•  call upon a friend to remind you when you seem to have forgotten your routine and keep you in check, someone whose interests are in line with yours, a goal-oriented individual who knows what benefit weight loss will bring to your health.

There are lots of ways you can lose weight, from making small changes to what you eat and drink to finding more support or downloading an app from your mobile phone for a daily routine.

One can engage a health professional such as a nutritionist to help curb the effects of weight loss.

If you're overweight, losing weight will give you more energy and help to reduce the risk of obesity, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes, and even help improve your memory and ease of conquering your daily activities.

Hence to find out if you're of a healthy weight, find out your body mass index by visiting your nearest health center.

Just at the reception, ask to check your BMI.

(Body mass index (BMI) is a measurement that works out if you're a healthy weight for your height). Height and weight are the measurements needed to calculate BMI.

Dos of weight loss to try out:

1. Get active for 150 minutes a week

Break this up into simpler and shorter sessions to avoid being overwhelmed by too many activities.

As a young person, you can set apart your time maybe after your classes, during physical education for the primary school children.

This can be a quick and easy method for a campus student who wants to maintain their body physique and still slay around and feel good.

2. Read food labels

Products with more green color coding than amber and red are often a healthier option.

When visiting the supermarket or the grocery store, ensure you get more of the greens than other kind of food.

 It is advisable to frequent the grocery store and not the supermarket since you might be tempted to impulse buying of junk foods that will be more of harm to your body.

3. Swap sugary drinks for water

 If you do not like the taste, add slices of lemon or lime for flavor.

Ensure you cut down on food that's high in sugar and fat – start by swapping sugary cereal for wholegrain alternatives.

4. Share your weight loss plan with someone you trust

Trusted individuals can help motivate you when you have a bad day or when you intend to stray from the set routine that you already had planned.

You can call upon a friend to remind you when you seem to have forgotten your routine and keep you in check, someone whose interests are in line with yours, a goal-oriented individual who knows what benefit weight loss will bring to your health.

The Don’ts of weight loss for a greater outcome:

1. Do not lose weight suddenly with diets.

Find an alternative weight loss strategy to counter overweight.

2.Do not stock unhealthy food.

 Popcorn, fruit, and rice cakes can be healthier alternatives. Refrain from stocking junk foods in your store or fridge.

3. Do not skip meals

Do not forget or push forward your eating schedule by trying to skip or reduce eating periods.

You might end up snacking more because you feel hungry.

Skipping meals is never an alternative to weight loss since it poses a risk to your health and body physique.

4. Do not finish your plate if you're full

 You can save leftover food for the next day.

Instead of throwing it away or wasting food by putting too much, an alternative that is far much better is saving the leftover for a later time.