• Those Azimio MPs running to State House should be honest with Kenyans and say that they are there to feed their gastric juices and extend their harem pool because science has refused to buy their argument that the nearer to the President the more development goodies you will get -  Gabriel Oguda.

Following the recent deflections of Azimio MPs to the ruling side – Kenya Kwanza Government, criticisms have emerged with the current case of Langata MP Phelix Odiwour alias Jalango, who has been seen posing for photos with President Ruto at State House claiming he has gone to seek development for his constituents.

Gabriel Oguda, a writer on topical issues on Nation Africa on his Official Twitter Account has also come out to openly critique such kind of misrepresentation by Azimio politicians, who are getting lured by the Kenya Kwanza wave of politics since the Financial Bill 2023 controversies.

A poverty survey conducted jointly by the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics (KNBS) and the Society for International Development (SID), and published for everyone to read, has the answers to all your questions.

In the old Constitution that we kicked out like Polio, President Moi, who ruled for 24 years uninterrupted, also represented Baringo Central Constituency as Member of Parliament, yet, at the time the KNBS and SID were conducting the survey in 2013, Baringo Central Constituency, who was supposed to have benefitted from having their MP as President of Kenya for 24 years, still had 47% of their residents living below the poverty line.”

He further went on to claim that the first President Jomo Kenyatta, President Uhuru Kenyatta, and President Ruto’s constituencies also recorded a higher poverty level percentage yet they were in power and still in it and had what it takes to make a turnaround.

President Jomo Kenyatta who ruled for 15 years between 1963 and 1978, and his son, Uhuru Kenyatta, who was also president for ten years, came from Gatundu South constituency, whose poverty index stood at 26.4% at the time of the survey.

President William Ruto's home village of Sugoi is in Turbo constituency, whose poverty rate stands at 30.4%, yet Langata MP Phelix Kodhe Odiwuor wants Ruto to believe that he has run to State House to fight poverty among Langata residents whose poverty rate, according to the KNBS report stands at only 17%.

Jalango on the other hand has caused a stir online with people questioning his intentions and whether he really is an Azimio member.

It means Jalango's voters are poorer than William Ruto's village mates, but don't tell this to Uasin Gshu hustlers because they might be forced to hate on Jalang'o and stop watching his jokes that are now becoming serious with the advent of the Finance Act 2013.

Oguda has criticized politicians' nearness to the president claiming it is because of their own gastric juices refusing to buy the idea of the nearer to the president, the more development goodies you will get.

Those Azimio MPs running to State House should be honest with Kenyans and say that they are there to feed their gastric juices and extend their harem pool because science has refused to buy their argument that the nearer to the President the more development goodies you will get, but if you doubt me you can read the report for yourself as found here.”