• Research your topic thoroughly and be prepared to answer questions. The more you know, the more confidently you’ll speak.

Becoming a persuasive speaker is a skill that can help you communicate your ideas effectively and influence others. There are many tactics that can improve your public speaking, such as:

1)Know the topic of discussion in depth

Research your topic thoroughly and be prepared to answer questions. The more you know, the more confidently you’ll speak.

Make sure you understand the topic and what it entails at large.This will boost your confidence while presenting.

2)Practice makes perfect

 Rehearse your speech until you’re comfortable with the material and the delivery. Record yourself while rehearsing in order to identify the areas you need to work on.

Share the recording with a person you trust and let them correct you in areas you were unable to identify then perfect on them.

3)Mind your body language

Use gestures, eye contact, and posture to convey confidence and reinforce your message. Avoid fidgeting, crossing your arms, or looking away. This will make the listeners not believe what you're saying because you are unsure of yourself.

4)Embrace pauses

Use silence strategically to emphasize key points, create suspense, and give your audience time to process your ideas.

5)Master the art of storytelling

 Use stories, anecdotes, and metaphors to make your speech more engaging, relatable, and memorable. Appeal to your audience’s emotions and imagination.

This will make your presentation more lively and the audience are able to remember what you said even after your presentation.

6)Know your audience

Tailor your speech to suit the needs, interests, and expectations of your listeners. Use appropriate language, tone, and examples.

Anticipate their objections and address them. Knowing your audience makes you use the right language that connects with the kind of listeners you have.

7)Show your passion

Express enthusiasm and conviction about your topic. Use power words, humor, and visuals to capture your audience’s attention and interest.

8)Accept that mistakes happen

Don’t let a slip-up ruin your speech. Acknowledge it, correct it, and move on. Focus on the positive aspects of your presentation and learn from the feedback.

9)Keep it simple

Use clear, concise, and simple language to convey your message. Avoid jargon, technical terms, or unnecessary details. Use repetition, summaries, and transitions to help your audience follow your speech.

By following these tactics, your confidence will grow to a whole new level,you are assured that your presentations will be eloquent and understandable and your audience will be attentive all through your presentation.