I am disappointed that we are going back to the days when the majority of parliamentarians become voting machines. When they do not vote as representatives of their people- Martha Karua.

"I am disappointed that we are going back to the days when the majority of parliamentarians become voting machines. When they do not vote as representatives of their people."

These were Martha Karua, Azimio’s running mate for the 2022 presidential election comments after the majority of MPs voted for the Finance Bill 2nd reading, which had been a contested one and what Kenyans term as a burden and imposed taxation on them by the Kenya Kwanza government.

During an Exclusive with Karua on NTV hosted by Ngina Kirori, Karua went on to comment on why allowing the people the right to demonstrate will bring change to Kenya and the regime in power.

 “This regime is so afraid of the people who elected them if they allowed people their right to demonstrate and picket, they will see a sea of humanity, “Martha Karua said.

Karua went on to denounce the president’s legitimacy when he made a comment on Azimio’s MPs being bought by the other side which is the Kenya Kwanza without going through the legal process or rather going back to elections.

"Members were illegally bought by the other side to cross the floor without going back to elections and the media should be in the forefront of pointing out that. Up to this day, Azimio is the majority in that Parliament."