• The donations and funding received from the Lewa Safari Marathon have continued to uplift wildlife conservation and community development.

The Lewa Safari Marathon that will take place on Saturday June 24, 2023 will mark its 23rd Annual marathon.

The Lewa Safari Marathon is a charity event held at the Lewa Conservancy that raises funds for community programs and wildlife conservation.

It’s organised with Huawei, Safaricom and Tusk Trust, a foundation that helps indigenous communities with donor funding to maximise the impact of grassroots initiatives.

Being one of Kenya's most well-known sporting institutions, this one of a kind marathon has supported wildlife conservation and community development for the last 23 years.

The donations and funding received from the Lewa Safari Marathon have continued to uplift wildlife conservation and community development.

So far Lewa Safari Marathon has raised £8 million for frontline conservation, schools and healthcare initiatives across Kenya, providing vital funding to projects protecting endangered species and supporting the livelihoods of rural communities living alongside wildlife.

Lewa Wildlife Conservancy is a UNESCO world heritage site, well known for its diverse habitats of pristine forest, extensive grasslands, numerous springs and woodland which provide a stunning location for the scheduled marathon.

With an early start to avoid the heat of the day, individuals will be running at 5,500 feet above sea level along rocky trails interspersed with welcome intervals under the shadow of giant acacia trees.

Lewa which supports more than 70 different animal species roaming the vast grasslands is also home to more than 400 species of birds.

With one of the highest wildlife densities in Kenya, including 12% of the country’s critically endangered black and white rhinos, and the world’s single largest population of Grevy’s zebra.

Many like Bernadetta Nafula say that the support they have received from Lewa has been instrumental towards improving their lives and that of their families.

She further says that the money received has helped in her farming kids are able to go to school and she can also provide food and clothe her children with ease.

Days until race day, counting down the days as we get closer to the 23rd annual Lewa Safari Marathon. Marathoners and enthusiasts of the race are advised to get ready to ditch the desk and run wild!

 With the transformative power of the Lewa Safari Marathon yielding remarkable results, significantly improving the lives of the local community in Lewa and its neighboring areas, particularly in terms of enhancing healthcare services for the community.