• Incidents of Police Officers committing heinous crimes over the past have also been evident.

Interior Cabinet Secretary Professor Kithure Kindiki through a tweet has announced that police officers and Government officials who commit crimes will be sacked, instead of being transferred to other stations.

“It is no longer acceptable to transfer errant police and government officers from one station to another. That is akin to transferring a problem. We will sack rogue police officers,” said Kindiki.

This comes at a time when 4 traffic police officers were arrested in Nairobi while taking bribes from Motorists on Outering Road on June 14, 2023, by the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) officers at Kware stage near the Pipeline estate.

Incidents of Police Officers committing heinous crimes over the past have also been evident. During a past demonstration in Isebania Migori County, four civilians were shot dead allegedly by police officers.

The interior Cabinet Secretor Proffesor Kithure Kindiki, then, ordered all police officers working at the station to be transferred and interrogated while in the new station.

On Tuesday May 9,2023, Jacinta Achieng, a student at Rang’ala High School was  also shot dead by traffic police officers in Kisumu as they pursued a matatu that failed to stop at a roadblock to pay Ksh.100 bribe in Jua Kali area.