• Seeking revenge can blind our eyes to the big picture and keep us from seeing alternative paths that may lead to peace and harmony.

The phrase "an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind" is often attributed to Mahatma Gandhi, emphasising the futility and harmfulness of seeking revenge.

When we seek revenge, we perpetuate a cycle of violence and harm, as the other person may feel the need to retaliate, leading to a never-ending cycle of damage and destruction.

Seeking revenge leads to a never-ending cycle of violence and destruction that can ultimately harm everyone involved.

Moreover, seeking revenge can blind our eyes to the big picture and keep us from seeing alternative paths that may lead to peace and harmony.

It can make us focus solely on our pain and desire for retribution, leading us to disregard the needs and perspectives of others.

"An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind" is a powerful reminder that seeking revenge leads to more harm and destruction and that true peace and harmony can only be achieved by working together and seeking forgiveness, understanding, and compassion.

One example where seeking forgiveness and compassion led to peace is South Africa's Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC).

The TRC functioned as a restorative justice court established in South Africa after the end of apartheid in 1994. Its mandate was to investigate and report on human rights abuses during the apartheid regime and to provide reparations to victims and their families.

The TRC provided a platform for victims to share their stories of abuse and confront their abusers publicly. It also allowed perpetrators to confess their crimes and seek amnesty.

Through this process, the TRC aimed to promote healing and reconciliation in South African society.

While the TRC was imperfect and faced criticism from some quarters, it is generally considered to have played a significant role in promoting reconciliation and healing in South Africa.

By providing a platform for victims to share their stories and for perpetrators to seek amnesty, the TRC helped break down the walls of hatred and mistrust erected during the apartheid era.

Ultimately, the TRC demonstrated that seeking forgiveness, understanding, and compassion can be a powerful tool for promoting peace and reconciliation, even in the face of great suffering and injustice.