• During pregnancy, women are prone to seeing a ' black line' appearing on the belly. The line is called Linea Nigra - a Latin word translated as a black line. the phenomenon is natural; however, it has a lot of myths surrounding it, including the ability to reveal gender.
  • The intensity of the line depends on the skin tone of a woman. It fades eventually as one nears postpartum. It is essential for pregnant women to be informed about the line so as not to buy into deception.

Pregnancy brings a host of changes in a woman's life, from a growing belly that tampers the body shape to morning sickness and fatigue; however, the most intriguing of all is the 'black line appearance on the belly. This line is known as 'linea nigra’, a Latin word translated as 'black line'. Embracing the line with pride makes the pregnancy journey enjoyable.

The Linea nigra phenomenon is natural but has been surrounded by lots of superstitions for ages.

One popular belief is that Linea nigra can suggest the baby's gender. If the line goes up to the navel, it is said to be a girl, while the line extends to the rib cage, it is supposedly a boy. However, there is no scientific basis for this claim; gender revelations are solely in the realm of ultrasound technology and genetics.

Another myth about the line is that its appearance shows a need for proper nutrition. In reality, Linea nigra is caused by hormonal changes that increase melanin production hence hyperpigmentation along the midline of the abdomen.

Interestingly, this line is not new, nor is it rocket science. It is a darkening of Linea Alba, - a fibrous structure that runs down the midline of the abdomen. Whatever happens during pregnancy is that, the line becomes more visible.

The intensity and visibility of the line vary in women. Some have a faint line, others a much darker one. It is also common for women with a darker skin tone to have a darker one.

The sudden change may cause a woman to be self-conscious about the line, but it is essential to embrace it as a symbol of an incredible journey of adding a new member to the world's population. It is a unique mark that shows the body's ability to nurture and grow a new life.

Linea nigra is entirely harmless and fades away as one nears postpartum. Access to accurate information about pregnancy, including the appearance of Linea nigra is essential for expectant mothers. Educating women can alleviate unnecessary stress and anxiety during the period.

Social media has been very instrumental in normalising and celebrating the Linea nigra pregnant mothers who are influencers are sharing photos and their stories, helping others to build self-esteem and embrace the process.

Books and other publications have been made concerning the line. Linea nigra by Jazmina Barrera is a famous book addressing the line and capturing different stories of women.

In a digital era of social media and the internet, one cannot afford to be ignorant and buy into different myths about pregnancy.

So, rather than worrying or hiding the Linea nigra women should start embracing it as a part of the beautiful journey to holding their babies in their hands.