• A mother never rests when it comes to the welfare of her children, she ought to love them, cater for them selflessly, and ensure they go in the right direction.
  • They additionally packed their lunch with a safety hotline number to ensure that help is one phone call away.

A mother never rests when it comes to the welfare of her children, she ought to love them, cater for them selflessly, and ensure they go in the right direction. The development and productivity of her children is her biggest wish.

Just like a mother brings a child into the world, the Media Council of Kenya (MCK) brings individuals into the fourth estate. The institution recruits journalists through registration and accreditation under an oath to stick fast to the Code of Demeanor and Practice of Journalism in Kenya.

By playing a pivotal role in championing media freedom, MCK holds the trophy for the leading institution in regulating media performance and discipline of practitioners in the country.

Following the demos, which commenced on Tuesday, June 18, 2024, surrounding the proposed Finance Bill 2024, and led by youths (Gen Zs), the institution has expressed its wariness for journalists by providing a “handbook” for covering these protests.

The association started by mentioning safety tips like maintaining control of one’s movement, identifying escape routes (either on foot or by car), being on the lookout for artillery or crude weapons, staying out of the police’s radar, considering protective gear, embracing excessive teamwork, and selecting pre-arranged positions to cover from, among others.

MCK showcased its motherly keen eye on “minor” things like carrying handkerchiefs, avoiding using cosmetics as they would be irritating, not rubbing the eyes, and carrying water to flush eyes for relief.

The organization sent media practitioners to report, shedding light on weapons applied in riots, such as batons, tear gas, rubber bullets, water cannons, pepper spray, and live ammunition. They additionally packed their lunch with a safety hotline number to ensure that help is one phone call away.