• In the midst of all these, some friends laughed at me when they heard of the whole situation.

Researchers and psychologists deduce that a majority of women think about suicide more than men do but men think it through- men actually commit it more, and they ensure they execute it.

If you are unable to think of solutions other than suicide, it is not that other solutions don't exist, but rather that you are currently unable to see them.

The intense emotional pain that you're experiencing right now can distort your thinking so it becomes harder to see possible solutions to problems—or to connect with those who can offer support.

Most of the time you don’t really feel like you need to tell someone since you don’t trust their judgment. Sometimes we don’t know when to start such kind of conversations and who should we do it with and whether they will really judge us or laugh at us.

Dj Absolute of Spice FM early in 2022, reiterated on a live show an instance when he was at rock bottom and his only option was suicide, but guess what? He can out victorious.

“Things were going south, job, social life, everything I can say.

So this day I went to church ……same day was my ex-birthday, I wished her birthday.

I took an Uber and went home, the Uber guy was actually laughing with me, and bid me goodbye telling me ‘God be with you’. In my thoughts am like, does this person know what am going through?

When I reached home, I went straight to the kitchen, took a knife, and told myself ‘This is the Day’, the day to end my life.

But just something stopped me from doing it; I don’t know what it was.

In the midst of all these, some friends laughed at me when they heard of the whole situation.

My sister was the one who came and asked me why I decided to do that and what really was the matter."

If you're feeling suicidal at  any  moment or know someone who does, please follow these five steps for guidance:

Step 1: Agree to do nothing at this time.

Give yourself some time to pass between thoughts and actions, despite the fact that you're currently experiencing a lot of discomforts.

 Make a commitment to yourself that you'll wait 24 hours and refrain from taking any drastic action during that period. Alternatively, wait a week.

Your suicidal thoughts do not have to materialize; thoughts and deeds are two distinct things.

There is no time limit, and no one is pressuring you to act on these ideas right away. Put some time in between having suicidal thoughts and really doing it.

Step 2: Abstain from alcohol and drugs

Using drugs or alcohol might make suicidal thoughts even more intense. It's crucial to avoid using alcohol or non-prescription medicines while you're depressed or considering suicide.

Step 3: Secure your residence

Take away any items, such as pills, knives, razors, or firearms that you could use to hurt yourself. If you can't, find a place where you can feel secure.

Give your medications to someone who can give them to you one day at a time as you need them if you are considering taking an overdose.

Step 4: Share your suicidal thoughts with someone else.

Many people have discovered that talking to a trusted friend or family member about suicidal thoughts and feelings is the first step towards overcoming them.

The person on the other end of a helpline could be a relative, friend, therapist, clergyperson, teacher, family doctor, coach, or experienced counselor.

Find a trustworthy person and tell them how horrible the situation is. Do not let anxiety, guilt, or embarrassment keep you from obtaining assistance.

Additionally, try another individual if the first one you speak with doesn't appear to comprehend.

 Just talking about how you arrived at this stage in your life can help you find a release for a lot of the strain that's been building up.

Step 5: Take heart; people DO recover from this

Even those who feel as horrible as you do right now withstand these emotions. Take heart from this.

 No matter how much self-loathing, hopelessness, or isolation you are currently suffering through, there is a very good possibility that you will go through these emotions.

Give yourself the time you need instead of attempting to do it on your own.