• For a while now, the focus on the betterment of the girl child has been on the headlines. The keen eye on the plight of this gender has turned a blind eye to the boy child, leaning onto the assumption that the odds are already in their favour. This trend is responsible for the imbalance in our society today. The male gender ought to be included in discussions of enhancement.

For a while now, the focus on the betterment of the girl child has been on the headlines. The keen eye on the plight of this gender has turned a blind eye to the boy child, leaning onto the assumption that the odds are already in their favour. This trend is responsible for the imbalance in our society today. The male gender ought to be included in discussions of enhancement.

A crucial step in this expedition would be complete eradication of the traditional expectations of the boy child, which indicate that he should be assertive, aggressive, dominant and emotionally numb. It is high time this notion be altered to edify that vulnerability, empathy, and emotional expression are attributes of strength rather than signs of weakness.

May 16, International Day of the Boy Child, is set aside to acknowledge all the strains emanating from society’s negligence of the boy child’s affair. Dr Jerome Teelucksingh founded this day back in 2018 to encourage a collective contribution by schools and homes towards avoiding a future with absolutely misguided and confused men.

X users shared their opinions on May 16, 2024:


Every boy deserves a safe, happy, and healthy childhood. On this International Day of the Boy-Child, let us stand together to nurture, protect, and empower every boy to reach his fullest potential.


Happy International Day of The Boy Child. The boy child is a child, he’s not his sister’s protector or Mommy’s husband. He’s a child and should be raised as such. A world where we ignore our baby Boys is a world where our baby Girls will never be safe.

Education has been at the forefront of the fight against inequality, playing a pivotal role in empowering the boy child over time. Schooling, however, has proven ineffective in protecting the boy child since traditional stereotypes have seeped through the cracks of its system.

Campus relationships, for instance, have been a key indicator. They are now quid pro quo engagements, where the male is expected to be the biggest investor. The boy child is envisioned to be the pillar and support without fail. Building onto the academic pressures and financial constraints they face, posing an overwhelming load on their mental state.

Major remedies to this oversight would include mentorship and assurance of role models. The increasing number of absentee fathers results in a lack of inspiration, guidance, and life skills required to model an upright man.

It ought to be understood that it is not a competition with the girl child but rather the recognition that both genders should have equal opportunities to flourish and contribute to their society and community.