• Climate Change events such as droughts, floods and heatwaves happen faster than the rate of responses thereby continuously weakening the adaptation and mitigation capacities.

Climate Change events such as droughts, floods and heatwaves happen faster than the rate of responses thereby continuously weakening the adaptation and mitigation capacities.

There seem to be no hope to the front-line indigenous communities who can’t predict and don’t have any information about future climate disasters.

The climate change conversation is in our midst; the fight is everyone’s responsibility; we can never run away from it.

High-level conferences take place annually, but are we solving the problems? The recently concluded Africa Climate Submit in Nairobi Kenya is a clear indication of the urgent response to the disaster. Very promising commitments, right from the Kyoto Protocol, the Paris Agreement and the recently concluded COP27 in Egypt.

Pledges, declarations and deals are sealed all towards finding solutions to the present-day problem threatening human life, but what have we achieved so far? What are African countries doing about it?

African nations shouldn’t wait upon the developed nations to give them aid only in times of climate disasters. The same developed countries have spent billions of dollars funding the unsustainable models of economic developments that have created the current climate mess we are in.

There is a need for stock-taking of the previous pledges and commitments to facilitate its proper implementations.COP28 is almost and climate change is happening at an alarming rate; Temperatures rising, and floods and droughts are becoming more occasional. For many years, religion, science, research and cultures have prescribed multiple ways to coexist well with nature but humans are defiant.

Nature is unforgiving if we don't change our destructive culture and conserve biodiversity.

 There is an urgent need to adopt collaborative efforts to establish a sustainable development culture that prioritizes biodiversity conservation and puts into consideration communities that are at high risk of climate change disasters.

Fighting against climate change is everyone's responsibility, a positive response of hope.