• Even in the darkest moments, loss can be a strange kind of teacher. It pushes us to acknowledge our own vulnerability, to recognize the fleeting nature of life. And in that vulnerability, we find a strength we never knew we had. We learn to carry the weight of love and loss, to honor the past while embracing the unknown future.

Loss is a silent guest that arrives unexpectedly, whether in the quiet of night or the brightness of day. It doesn't announce its presence, simply slipping in like a shadow that lingers in the corners of your heart.

It takes on different forms, at times a heavy burden that weighs you down with sorrow, and at others a gentle whisper that reminds you of what once was, but can never be again.

It settles in, making itself comfortable in the spaces left vacant by what is gone. It rearranges the pieces of your soul, leaving everything slightly crooked. What was once familiar now feels foreign, what was once comforting now feels cold. Yet, loss is not always a storm. Sometimes, it is a quiet companion, sitting beside you in the silence, a shared understanding that speaks volumes.

Like the ebb and flow of the tide, loss comes and goes. There are days when it crashes over you like a wave, threatening to pull you under, and days when it is calm, reflecting memories that are both bitter and sweet. It is a journey without a clear path, marked by tears and memories of those we have lost.

But even in the darkest moments, loss can be a strange kind of teacher. It pushes us to acknowledge our own vulnerability, to recognize the fleeting nature of life. And in that vulnerability, we find a strength we never knew we had. We learn to carry the weight of love and loss, to honor the past while embracing the unknown future.