• The incident, which occurred at the Nakuru County Assembly precincts, involved assembly orderlies who blocked and intimidated members of the press.

The Nakuru Journalists Association (NJA) has strongly condemned the harassment of journalists attempting to cover assembly proceedings on September 25, 2024. The incident, which occurred at the Nakuru County Assembly precincts, involved assembly orderlies who blocked and intimidated members of the press.

In a statement, NJA Chairman Joseph Openda expressed concern over the actions taken against the journalists. “It has come to our attention that members of our association were today blocked and harassed at the precincts of Nakuru County Assembly by assembly orderlies from covering proceedings in the assembly,” Openda stated.

The confrontation escalated when one journalist was reportedly assaulted by the orderlies, prompting the NJA to label these actions as a serious infringement on media freedom. "We condemn the actions that undermine the work of journalists," Openda asserted.

Moreover, Openda called on the leadership of the County Assembly to implement mechanisms that ensure journalists can perform their duties without fear of harassment, intimidation, or interference.

“In the meantime, we demand a public apology from the assembly and action taken against the officers who mishandled the journalists. Failure to act may force us to pursue further legal and public avenues to safeguard our rights and that of the public to be informed,” he added.