• The Head of State, Dr. William Samoei Ruto, commenced his four-day tour of the great region of Nyanza on August 28, 2024. The visits will culminate on Saturday, the 31st. His Excellence, the President, has received a hearty welcome from the Kisumu residents.

The Head of State, Dr. William Samoei Ruto, commenced his four-day tour of the great region of Nyanza on August 28, 2024. The visits will culminate on Saturday, the 31st. His Excellence, the President, has received a hearty welcome from the Kisumu residents.

The President’s visit to Kisumu marks the first since appointing John Mbadi, Opiyo Wandanyi, Hassan Joho, and Wycliffe Oparanya from the Democratic Orange Movement (ODM) to his broad-based government.

In forming the great broad-based government, he has praised Raila Odinga, who is now the African Union Chairmanship candidate, for allowing part of his team to come and help him in matters of nation-building.

“I once helped Baba, if he comes to help me is there a problem,” he said.

“I have also come to Kisumu because of the issues of electricity, water, farming and industrialization because I want to transform our country and all us to be united and work together,” he added.

Moreover, youth employment also formed a part of his speech. The Head of State mentioned the affordable housing projects, where he looks forward to opening 10,000 units, of which 4000 units are underway at Lumumba.

Through such projects, Ruto believes the youth will have access to employment opportunities.

Adding to the cap on youth employment, he affirmed that the government is looking forward to establishing 300-400 ICT hubs in every ward to enable the youth to get digital jobs.

The President’s speech to the Kisumu residents strongly advocates for industrial aggregation parks in every county, propagating value addition to farming. Agro-processing, manufacturing, and industrialization will play a great part in providing employment, thus spearheading economic independence for Kenyan youths.

He concluded by appealing to national unity, seeking a response from the crowd to determine whether they were of the same mind. The congregants positively welcomed the appeal as a way to forge forward for a united people with a common purpose and destination.

“You know that we have a long history. You know where Baba and I have come from, I now earnestly ask you the people of Kisumu we be united since we are brethren and people of the same nation, with a common destiny,” he stated.

In his remarks, the President assertively stated that unity is at the epicentre of every effort to propel the country to the next level. The President humbly requested the Kisumu residents to join him and others in uniting Kenya, stating that what unites us is more significant than what divides us.