• The genocide-like operation underway in Luoland is not accidental. It is coordinated and premeditated. It is being coordinated by political and government leaders both from the community and outside. It is unfortunate and indeed depressing that our own sons and daughters in government are working with outsiders to allow the extermination of the Luo,” Wandayi said in a statement on Sunday, July 23, 2023.

National Assembly majority leader Kimani Ichung’wah and his minority counterpart Opiyo Wandayi have clashed over the latter’s claim of genocide in Luo Nyanza.

 “The genocide-like operation underway in Luoland is not accidental. It is coordinated and premeditated. It is being coordinated by political and government leaders both from the community and outside. It is unfortunate and indeed depressing that our own sons and daughters in government are working with outsiders to allow the extermination of the Luo,” Wandayi said in a statement on Sunday, July 23, 2023.

He went on to state  “Under the watch of our own sons and daughters in high positions in government and those who claim to be working with the government, our people are butchered. What is being done to our people here, under the watch and supervision of our own sons is only similar to what was done to the Jews in Europe by Hitler.”

Calling on the President Ruto’s Kenya Kwanza government to realize that the way to sustainable peace, stability and justice in Kenya is respect for the rule of law and human rights.

 Wandayi stated that in the history of the country, Luos have gone through the kind of systematic genocide-like treatment.

 The claims by the minority leader Opiyo Wandayi on planned genocide on the Luo Nyanza people was caught not so well by his majority counterpart Kimani Ichung’wah who on the other hand came to defend the Kenya Kwanza government.

Ichung’wah came out in defense saying Azimio’s demonstrations have been punctuated with aspects of lawlessness, robbery and anarchy to shut down the government and cause economic emancipation.

He further went on to state that the statement by Wandayi that sticks of ethnic overtones is unfortunate coming from anyone who purports to lead anyone or indeed anything.

“Nyanza region leadership right from its top leadership Mr Odinga and his sidekicks must desist from profiling the luo community that is otherwise a great community that has contributed immensely to the growth of our nation,” Ichung’wah said.

He defended the government by stating that as the Kenya Kwanza, they detest the profiling of any government or public official on the basis of their ethnicity and that any senior government official do not serve the nation as Luos but as Kenyans serving fellow Kenyans.