• According to the statement, 178 dams and water reservoirs situated on public and private land in 33 counties have either filled up or are on the verge of reaching capacity.

In a statement released by the Cabinet Secretary for Interior, Prof Kithure Kindiki, news about the imminent risk posed by overflowing dams and water reservoirs in multiple counties nationwide has been reported.

The statement, released on May 2, 2024, calls for immediate action to ensure the safety of residents in affected areas.

“All persons residing contiguous to the dams and water reservoirs are ordered to vacate the said areas immediately and in any case, within 24 Hours effective today, failing which they will be subjected to mandatory evacuation for their safety,” said the statement in part.

According to the statement, 178 dams and water reservoirs situated on public and private land in 33 counties have either filled up or are on the verge of reaching capacity. The high water levels have raised concerns about potential spillage, jeopardising the lives of those living nearby.

Furthermore, the statement emphasises the need for individuals residing within the 30-meter riparian corridor of rivers and other watercourses throughout the country to evacuate promptly. Settlements unlawfully established on riparian land will be removed to mitigate risks.

The government has assured the implementation of adequate measures to aid those affected by the evacuation orders. Temporary shelter, as well as essential food and non-food supplies, will be provided to ensure the well-being of the displaced individuals.

The evacuation process will be conducted strictly between 0600 and 1830 hours, with no mandatory evacuations during nighttime hours.

In carrying out the evacuation and providing necessary assistance, National Government Administration Officers (NGAOs) have been directed to collaborate with County Governments, Humanitarian Organizations, and other stakeholders.

This cooperative effort will ensure a timely, humane, and effective execution of the evacuation orders and the provision of temporary shelter and essential supplies.