• Bar, Hotels and Liquor Traders Association(BHALITA) National Secretary Boniface Gachoka assured that as the bar owners, they are going to work together with the security agencies to comply with the new directives from Interior Minister Prof. Kithure Kindiki.

On March 21, 2024, security officers in Nakuru held an engagement with bar owners over the ongoing second generation liquor crackdown.

The meeting comes amid concern from the operators over alleged harassment from security officers who have been conducting the raids in the bars.

Speaking during a press briefing, Nakuru East Sub-county police commander Mohammed Wako said that they have agreed together with the bar owners to adhere to the regulations and end the menace that has affected many households and caused national security concerns.

Nakuru East Sub-county police commander Mohammed Wako. (Photo/Courtesy: Ruth Ng'ang'a)

“We have met with multi agency and educated the bar owners and have agreed to work together and finish the second generation liquor,” he said.

Bar, Hotels and Liquor Traders Association(BHALITA) National Secretary Boniface Gachoka assured that as the bar owners, they are going to work together with the security agencies to comply with the new directives from Interior Minister Prof. Kithure Kindiki.

“We are going to adjust accordingly and follow the new regulations that are in place concerning the crackdown as we adhere to the rules and regulations, “He said

He also condemned the surge in illicit brew, promising to expose the illegal brewers to make sure that the liquor damage has been curbed.

Over the last few weeks, the government has commenced war on the production and sale of the illicit brews that have seen several lives lost due to consumption of the brews.