• Kenya has been ranked highly by the World Drug Report,with the  latest statistics from the National Authority for the Campaign Against Alcohol and Drugs Abuse (Nacada) showing  there are 100,000 drug addicts at the coast.

As the world celebrated International Day against Drug Abuse June 26, 2023, themed “People first: stop stigma and discrimination, strengthen prevention, Mombasa Governor Abdulswamad Nassir has ordered that no bar or liquor store will be allowed to operate within a radius of 150 metres from any academic or religious institution within the county.

This was after Mombasa residents turned up in large numbers. For decades, Mombasa has struggled with the burden of illicit drugs robbing youths of their future.

Governor Abdulswamad Nassir who joined hands with the many afflicted families, youths and the community a whole to commit significant resources in prevention and drug rehabilitation on this remarkable day urged the people of Mombasa to not fear for they are not alone and will have the full support of his administration.

As the world celebrated this day, Kenyans were advised that drug use disorders are treatable and early intervention and support are crucial.

“We are demanding that the police publish a report on the number of barons and traffickers they have managed to arrest and successfully prosecuted. They need to stop going for these small peddlers and users and go for the big fish,” Nassir said.

“It is mind-boggling that with the high intelligence service that we boast of as a country, they are not aware of the people trafficking drugs into our county and country. If they have failed let them tell us and allow us as a county to take over the matter and see what we will do.”

Kenya has been ranked highly by the World Drug Report with the latest statistics from the National Authority for the Campaign Against Alcohol and Drugs Abuse (Nacada) showing there are 100,000 drug addicts at the coast.

The day had a courtesy call to all to ensure everyone, regardless of gender or socioeconomic status, has access to voluntary, evidence- based services.