• The raid has sparked outrage and condemnation from various stakeholders, including Nakuru Senator Tabitha Karanja Keroche, who is also the founder and CEO of Keroche Breweries.

Nakuru Governor Susan Kihika is facing a possible impeachment motion from the county assembly after she ordered the takeover of the War Memorial Hospital, a private health facility, on Tuesday, January 23, 2024.

The raid, which county officials and police officers carried out, violated a court order that barred the county government from interfering with the hospital’s operations.

The hospital, which the War Memorial Trust owns, has been leasing the land and buildings from the national government since 1958. The county government claims that the lease expired in 2018 and that it has the right to take over the hospital and its assets.

However, the hospital’s directors and some Ministry of Lands officials have denied the allegations and accused the governor of forgery and land grabbing.

The raid has sparked outrage and condemnation from various stakeholders, including Nakuru Senator Tabitha Karanja Keroche, who is also the founder and CEO of Keroche Breweries.

Tabitha Karanja has accused the governor of abusing her office and mismanaging the county funds. She has also blamed the governor for the death of a patient who died on Wednesday morning due to a lack of proper care at the hospital.

The senator has called on the County Assembly members (MCAs) to impeach the governor and save the county from further damage. She also declared her interest in running for the gubernatorial seat in 2024 under the United Democratic Alliance (UDA) party ticket.

“I strongly condemn the attack on the hospital by the county government of Nakuru. This shows that we have a governor who is so inhuman, never follows the rule of law and order, and never respects the courts, which are an arm of the government,” senator Karanja said.

Karanja called on the MCAs to impeach Kihika, saying she is a liability to the people of Nakuru County.

“I am appealing to the MCAs to do their duty and impeach this governor who has failed the people of Nakuru," Karanja added.

The governor has not responded to the senator’s remarks, but she has defended her actions on the hospital raid, saying that she was acting in the best interest of the county and the public.

She has also dismissed the court order as invalid and irrelevant and vowed to continue with her plans to transform the hospital into a public facility.