• Various leaders and activists have expressed on how the bill is not meant for the good but manifests as a tunnel for corrupt and oblivious acts by those involved.

Amid rising debt payments, the Kenyan government proposed new tax and levy regimes in the Finance Bill 2023.

Unions and left forces, activists and the citizens have however slammed the new proposal urging that the measures of applying the punitive tax as a method of economic revival will further burden workers while they are already struggling under high cost of living.

At present, the value of Kenya’s public debt stands at 60% of its Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

While giving assurances that the country would not default on its repayments, the Kenyan government delayed the payment of salaries to government workers in March, citing a cash crunch.

Various leaders and activists have expressed on how the bill is not meant for the good but manifests as a tunnel for corrupt and oblivious acts by those involved.

P.L.O Lumumba through a tweet, advised the president to prioritize the needs of common mwananchi rather than pushing an amendment into their throats.

“Excellency President and Parliamentarians, listen to Kenyans on the Finance Bill. Withdraw the Bill for further and proper consultations,” he tweeted.

Azimio coalition led by Raila Odinga has been against the proposed amendment maintaining that its MPs will unanimously vote against the Finance Bill 2023.

Speaking at Parliament Buildings in Nairobi, on Tuesday June 6, 2023, National Assembly Minority Whip Junet Mohamed said Azimio will whip its members to ensure a unanimous vote on the Bill.

“I don’t think there is any sane member who can go against the position of the opposition. If there is a Bill that the coalition has not taken a position on then you can decide how to go about it,” said Junet.

Raila has recently urged his supporters to come out in large numbers when called for protests. The move has been fuelled by the disagreement in the bipartisan talks and the concern that president Ruto’s regime does not heed to the concerns of its citizens.