• While you may not need to worry excessively about returning gifts, it's important to consider the specific circumstances and the emotional impact on both you and your ex-partner.
  •  In some cases, returning gifts may be a gesture of goodwill and closure, while in others, it may not be necessary or practical.

On a live radio session on Spice FM on September 5, 2023, Sugar and Spice Show hosted by DJ Absolute and Bryan Amlyoto, a conversation about exes and gifts arose on whether one should return gifts.

Is it really an issue of importance? Does your current partner want to get that much closure?

Gift-giving plays an essential role in a healthy and happy relationship. One of the many reasons why it is important is that it helps express feelings of appreciation and concern about each other.

Gifts can make the giver and receiver feel closer to each other, a great way to show someone you care about them, can bring joy to both the giver and receiver, they don't always have to be expensive. Gifting creates happy memories and giving gifts can make you more grateful if it was that thoughtful and one was very intentional while giving it.

As much as gifts have greater importance, in some instances such great relationships fail and individuals have to part ways. Should this happen, gifts get involved and issues on whether to return them or not begin to arise.

Speaking to their audiences, reactions arose that were quite interesting and worth a share. At times gifts come in different forms.

“Gifts are gifts, if too personal like rings, then return,” said Amylyoto who was of the idea of not necessarily returning the gifts and not having to speak about if it does not add to anything to the current relationship.

In his defense, DJ Absolute defended the other parties who see the need to return the gifts or just be open about it and tell the partners about an ex’s gifts that they still have in possession.

“I once had a jacket that was from an ex and my current wanted to wear it, but the problem was, at the same club, my ex- was there, so I had to clear the air since she could find out, but after telling her, she was just fine with it, “ he said.

Returning gifts from an ex-partner can be a sensitive and emotionally charged issue. Whether or not you should worry about returning these gifts depends on several factors, including your personal feelings, the nature of the relationship, and the significance of the gifts.

Here are some reasons why you might not need to worry too much about returning gifts from an ex:

1. Gifts Are Given Freely

Generally, gifts are given freely without an expectation of reciprocation.

 When someone gives you a gift, it's typically a gesture of goodwill and affection.

There is no obligation to return gifts under most circumstances.

2. Emotional Closure

 Returning gifts can sometimes be seen as a symbolic gesture of closure for some people.

It may help you move on from the relationship by letting go of physical reminders, but it's not a strict requirement for closure.

3. Legal Considerations

 In some cases, there may be legal considerations surrounding gifts, especially if they were given under specific conditions or with an understanding of being returned.

 However, these situations are relatively rare and typically involve high-value items or legally binding agreements.

4. Emotional Healing

Worrying excessively about returning gifts can prolong the emotional healing process.

Focusing on personal growth, self-care, and moving forward is often more productive than dwelling on material possessions.

5. Communication

 If your ex-partner genuinely expects the gifts to be returned, open and respectful communication can help reach an agreement that satisfies both parties.

 You can discuss your feelings and determine a reasonable course of action.

6. Sentimental Value

 Some gifts may hold sentimental value beyond their material worth.

These items can serve as reminders of shared experiences and personal growth, and you may choose to keep them for sentimental reasons.

7. Personal Choice

 Ultimately, what you do with gifts from an ex is your decision.

It should align with your feelings, values, and comfort level.

If you believe keeping the gifts doesn't negatively impact your life or well-being, you don't need to worry about returning them.

8. Respect and Boundaries

 It's essential to approach the situation with respect and boundaries.

If you choose to keep the gifts, do so with respect for your ex-partner's feelings and without using the items to provoke or hurt them.

While you may not need to worry excessively about returning gifts, it's important to consider the specific circumstances and the emotional impact on both you and your ex-partner.

 In some cases, returning gifts may be a gesture of goodwill and closure, while in others, it may not be necessary or practical.

 Ultimately, prioritize your emotional well-being and make decisions that help you move forward in a healthy and positive way.