• They suggest that as years pass, certain customs change, and parents may adopt different approaches based on their upbringing and cultural context.

A recent debate has erupted on social media as netizens question the practice of parents accompanying their children during the university and college admission process.

This trend, unlike the past, when students admitted themselves independently, has raised concerns about the potential impact on the development of responsibility and independence in young adults.

The discussion has sparked a lively exchange of opinions, with participants sharing their own experiences and perspectives on the matter:

1. The Changing Landscape

Many online users express surprise at the current practice of parents accompanying their grown children to universities.

They argue that this trend contrasts with the past, where students admitted themselves and embarked on a journey of independence at an early age.

Some users believe this shift may contribute to the rise of a generation that is more reliant on their parents and less equipped to handle adult responsibilities.

2. The Voices of Experience

Amid the debate, several individuals share their personal stories to shed light on their experiences and perspectives.

One user reminisces about spending time outside of school, hustling and exploring various places during the gap between high school and university. They attribute this period of independence to their ability to navigate the world as adults even today.

Another user shares a story of their father's guidance, which involved providing directions to a specific location and encouraging them to enrol independently. This experience taught them self-reliance and the importance of taking initiative.

They highlight the value of such independence in shaping their character and decision-making abilities.

3. The Generational Divide

Participants discuss generational differences, with some suggesting that the current generation has become overly dependent on their parents. They attribute this dependency to an excessive desire to provide the best for their children.

Concerns are raised about whether the current generation will be adequately prepared to face the challenges of the real world.

4.Reflections on Changing Circumstances

Several netizens acknowledge that circumstances have indeed changed over time. They note that students typically resided in campus hostels in the past, while today, the average age of students entering university has decreased significantly.

These changes, they argue, have contributed to the shift in parental involvement during the admission process.

5. Balancing Perspectives

While some express frustration and disappointment at the sight of parents accompanying their adult children to university, others believe that traditions and practices naturally evolve.

They suggest that as years pass, certain customs change, and parents may adopt different approaches based on their upbringing and cultural context.

6. The Journey of Independence

Contributors also raise questions about the definition and onset of adulthood and responsibility.

They engage in lighthearted banter, comparing the experiences of their generation with those of the present. Some emphasize the importance of self-reliance and personal growth, while others recognize that individuals may have varying paths to independence.