• June 12,2024 KPLC launched a new electricity meter system. Deadline  for update is August 31,2024.
  • Failure to update the customer will not receive tokens. 
  • The upgrade is free of charge.
  • Existing tokens will not be affected by the upgrade.

On June 12, 2024, Kenya Power and Lighting Company (KPLC) launched the "Update Meter Yako Campaign "in Nairobi. The initiative aims to upgrade approximately 7.4 million prepaid electricity meters nationwide. Kenyans using prepaid meter tokens should do the update before the deadline- August 31, 2024, failure to which they will not access tokens.

The event was marked by an enthusiastic turnout, with officials from the Kenya Power and Lighting Company (KPLC) leading the charge.

During the launch, Kenya Power emphasised the importance of the upgrade to improve service delivery and minimise disruptions. The exercise aims to transition prepaid users to a new system as the old one expires. All prepaid meters that are not updated by the deadline will stop receiving tokens.

Kenya Power managing director Joseph Siror demonstrated how to update the token.

"Customers will receive two codes from Kenya Power when they purchase tokens. They will be required to key the codes to their meter following the steps indicated in the SMS before loading the new token," Sirror explained.

"In other instances, the company will send the codes directly to the customers who haven't purchased tokens to notify them to update their meters. The process is simple and free," Siror added.

As questions arose about the fate of existing tokens, Kenya Power assured Kenyans that the upgrade would not affect the already loaded tokens. However, customers will have to ensure that all previously purchased tokens are loaded to their meters before updating.

According to the managing director, prepaid customers will receive two codes (a reset and update code) from Kenya Power to reset and update their token meters.

The 20-digit code will then be entered into prepaid meters; the reset code comes first, followed by an update code. Upon finishing the update, the customer's meter will then accept new electricity tokens going forward without affecting the electricity tariff.

The "Update Meter Yako Campaign" is part of a broader effort by Kenya Power to modernise infrastructure and enhance customer satisfaction. Implementing the new system follows recent challenges Kenyans face when inputting tokens into their meters. The upgrade aims to streamline the process and improve overall service reliability.

The update targets 7.4 million prepaid meters, a part of a global overhaul that targets meters using the Standard Transfer Specification Protocol (STC). The STC system is being revised to prevent the potential replication of tokens.

Quick steps to follow when updating

• You will receive the SMS update code when you buy new tokens or Kenya Power sends an SMS.

• Enter code 1 into your token meter and press enter to reset.

• Enter code 2 into your prepaid token meter and press enter to update

• The process is complete, and it is free of charge!