• Asking for help allows us to surround ourselves with people who can make us feel good and facilitate further development. These people create optimism and hope that we are able to deal with challenging situations, which improves our resilience.

Struggles are things and situations we sometimes find hard to deal with.

Everyone goes through their own kind of struggles, so certainly no one can say they don't have things they deal with ranging from social, financial and emotional issues.

These struggles could include; health problems, mental health issues, overcoming trauma, processing feelings, finding work- life balance, starting and maintaining relationships, failure of any kind, career and financial pressure, academic pressure among others.

All these struggles are very important our life and are valid, have a purpose and are crucial in our lives.

Struggles promote our growth in various aspects and getting through them helps one feel accomplished.

They prepare one for future struggles and also teaches one a lot about self and creates self-awareness in individuals.

Some people however may not know they are going through struggles. To know your struggles, tap into your feelings and assess thing that you'd like to be different or better in your life.

Nevertheless, struggles can also be overcome. To get through struggles one should:

1.Recognize problems as you face them

First step to solving any problem is to analyse the situation.

Your analytical skills will help you understand problems and effectively develop strategies to solve such situations and issues.

2.Make a plan and strategy on how to go about your struggle

 Find time, clarify your values, create your mission statement, do a S-Strengths-Weaknesses O-Opportunities and T-Threats analysis on yourself, create your goals and get to determine what support you need to stay accountable to your plan.

3.Ask for help If need be

Many of the world's greatest thinkers have agreed that humans gain a certain sense of happiness and fulfilment when helping others.

Asking for help allows us to surround ourselves with people who can make us feel good and facilitate further development. These people create optimism and hope that we are able to deal with challenging situations, which improves our resilience.

4.Do what is within your control and let go of what is beyond your control

You can focus on the only thing you do have control over your responses, your mindset, your attitude, your outlook.

By letting go of controlling external factors, you increase confidence in yourself.

This leads to improvements in physical and emotional health and a greater sense of strength and mental fitness.

Indeed, the more we focus on things outside of our control, the more likely we are to feel anxiety, anger, and disappointment.

5.Know that the struggles will come to pass

The battle of life is, in most cases, fought uphill; and to win it without a struggle were perhaps to win it without honour.

 If there were no difficulties there would be no success; if there were nothing to struggle for, there would be nothing to be achieved.

6.Don't avoid the struggles but know when to give up and how to move on, don’t obsess over your struggles as this creates a new struggle.

7.Know when to wrap up

Acknowledging that some things can't be changed and nothing is worth your happiness.

Remember to develop a daily plan to stay on track with your life and wellness goals; Identify what throws you off track and develop a plan to keep moving forward.