• It's crucial to acknowledge that nicotine is an addictive substance, regardless of the delivery method. While nicotine pouches eliminate the risks associated with smoking-related toxins and carcinogens, they still contain nicotine. 

In recent years, nicotine pouches have emerged as a popular alternative to traditional cigarettes. Advocates argue they can be a better substitute due to their smoke-free nature.

One of the primary arguments in favour of nicotine pouches is that they don't involve combustion, which means they don't produce harmful smoke or secondhand smoke.

This smoke-free characteristic is a positive aspect, especially for individuals concerned about the health risks associated with smoking traditional cigarettes.

It also eliminates the need for designated smoking areas, making it more convenient for users in public spaces.

Another advantage often mentioned is the absence of the strong odour and staining typically associated with smoking.

Nicotine pouches offer a discreet and odourless experience, allowing users to enjoy nicotine without the telltale signs that come with smoking cigarettes.

This can particularly appeal to individuals who wish to avoid the social stigma or who value maintaining a fresh breath and clean appearance.

Proponents of nicotine pouches argue that they can serve as a harm-reduction tool for individuals who are unable or unwilling to quit nicotine altogether.

By providing a smoke-free alternative, these pouches may help users transition away from traditional cigarettes and potentially reduce their exposure to harmful chemicals found in tobacco smoke.

It's crucial to acknowledge that nicotine is an addictive substance, regardless of the delivery method. While nicotine pouches eliminate the risks associated with smoking-related toxins and carcinogens, they still contain nicotine.

Prolonged use of nicotine pouches can lead to dependence and potential health issues, including increased heart rate, blood pressure, and adverse effects on brain development in adolescents.

Therefore, it's essential to approach nicotine pouches with caution and consider them as a harm-reduction strategy rather than a risk-free solution.