- The one person you envisioned a lifetime with suddenly denies you or claims they don’t love you anymore. What is love? One might ask themselves. Is it just a feeling that grows over time, or is it affection that fades after a while?
How could he do that to me? The promises we made to each other, the memories, all went down the drain. This is often the question exes ask each other with no clear answer—whether one got ghosted or another left for a better partner. The pain of those first few days is relentless.
The one person you envisioned a lifetime with suddenly denies you or claims they don’t love you anymore. What is love? One might ask themselves. Is it just a feeling that grows over time, or is it affection that fades after a while? People have different opinions based on their experiences.
How did you get over your ex? I cried myself to sleep—but until when? Wounds heal but leave scars. Is it the same for heartbreaks? Different people have various ways to cope with hurt feelings. Tragically, many young adults have taken their lives due to cheating partners or the same partners denouncing their once-great love.
Have you ever faced such a situation? For some, healing from heartbreak takes days; for others, it lasts weeks, months, or even years, depending on the depth of the relationship.
For many young adults on campus, the coping mechanisms vary: some turn to alcohol, while others cut off contact with their exes to minimize emotional pain. Many women fear dating again, believing that “men will leave you in the desert without water.” I can relate, but are you going to die in that desert or choose to move forward? The question remains: can you truly forget them and seek new possibilities? Time will tell.
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The most important thing is to completely detach from the person who hurt you and find ways to rebuild yourself. Write, paint, travel, read—keep yourself distracted to avoid self-harm. I acknowledge that the journey isn’t easy, but everyone has a choice: to cry every day over someone who replaced you, to harbor hatred for all men because of one who didn’t treat you right, or to contribute positively to your life by finding a new hobby.
Talking to a trusted friend can help, as dealing with anger alone can be dangerous. Consider the number of men today battling mental health issues due to such reasons. It does get better with time; many broken hearts can heal if one is willing to let go.