• With Mpox now in Nakuru, it is vital for residents, schools, and community organizations to reinforce these preventive measures. Maintain good hygiene practices, minimize close contact, and use masks in crowded settings. Together, we can help prevent the spread of Mpox and safeguard our communities.

Mpox cases have recently been confirmed in Nakuru County, including reports from the Gilgil Diatomite area and a suspected case in Kikopey. It is essential for everyone to be aware and take preventative measures.

Here’s a summary of the key steps by US government you should follow to protect yourself and your community.

When attending social gatherings, especially those with close personal contact such as parties or clubs, it is important to be cautious. If you have not completed the vaccine series, consider reducing activities that involve close skin-to-skin contact. This includes avoiding direct interaction with individuals who show symptoms of Mpox, such as rashes or blisters.

Avoiding contact with visible rashes and infected animals is another crucial step. Mpox rashes can appear on various body parts including the hands, feet, face, and genitals. It’s important to avoid touching these rashes and to maintain distance from anyone showing symptoms.

Additionally, in areas where Mpox is more common, avoid contact with potentially infected animals like rodents and primates. Proper handling of personal items is also essential. Do not share eating utensils, cups, or other personal items with individuals who have Mpox.

Furthermore, avoid touching or handling the bedding, towels, or clothing of someone who is infected. If you or someone in your household is affected, ensure that you follow thorough cleaning and disinfecting procedures.

Lastly, practicing good hand hygiene can significantly reduce your risk of infection. Regularly wash your hands with soap and water or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer, especially before eating, touching your face, or after using the bathroom. Consistent handwashing is one of the most effective ways to protect yourself and others from Mpox.

With Mpox now in Nakuru, it is vital for residents, schools, and community organizations to reinforce these preventive measures. Maintain good hygiene practices, minimize close contact, and use masks in crowded settings. Together, we can help prevent the spread of Mpox and safeguard our communities.