• Morara Kebaso a Kenyan lawyer and activist, in his impassioned speech at the Okoa Uchumi Citizen Assembly in KICC on August 22, 2024, has declared no peace in Kenya for the wicked. He boldly spoke on the various projects initiated by the government some years back, which allegedly never materialized, emphasizing the urgent need for change.

Morara Kebaso a Kenyan lawyer and activist, in his impassioned speech at the Okoa Uchumi Citizen Assembly in KICC on August 22, 2024, has declared no peace in Kenya for the wicked. He boldly spoke on the various projects initiated by the government some years back, which allegedly never materialized, emphasizing the urgent need for change.

He has spoken of the undying desire to pursue a dream that seeks accountability and good governance. Morara has highlighted that bringing corruption into the limelight is challenging.

Moreover, he has firmly made it clear that it gets to a point where one has to make personal sacrifices that are beyond their power for the sake of others, demonstrating his unwavering commitment to the cause.

“When I began my journey of seeking accountability, and good governance, I never thought I would be here to address you. I was a gentleman in my height of life. I am 28 years now, very busy; I have my company which employs over 75 Kenyans. I have work to do and a lot of it. I was not idle, but there is a higher calling. In this life you reach a particular point where you have to do something that is beyond you and about other people,” he said in his opening remarks.

The Okoa Uchumi Assembly comes a day after he announced his nationwide tour plan on his X-space to expose the hot air projects in his pursuit of the odious public debt.

The Okoa Uchumi Assembly has provided a platform for him to advocate for accountability and illustrate the supposed heinous corrupt projects that have been a channel of feeding from public funds.


Fellow Kenyans. I am starting to audit the odious public debt. I will go debt by debt and will focus on the date borrowed, lender, loan amount, project for, how much we have paid, and our balance. I will then visit the site and show you the project financed by the loan. This programme will run alongside my countrywide tour of hot air projects where money has been stolen, but nothing has happened.

Kebaso has termed the country a criminal enterprise launching projects that have never been fulfilled. He has strongly advocated that the country is in a total mess and needs a shutdown for renovations.

Additionally, he has remorsefully spoken about the millions of youths whose parents had to sacrifice a lot by selling inherited land and property to take them to school, only to come out with sharp brains but lack opportunities to use their earned skills.

He affirms that the journey has been a challenging one, but his determination remains unwavering, inspiring hope in the audience.

Moreover, Kebaso has promised to sacrifice his comfort for a dream of a better Kenya that provides opportunities for the youths to live, work, marry and grow.

“It has reached a point where I must sacrifice my personal safety and not care about the consequences but say the truth as it is unfiltered without fear with a hope that Kenyans are behind me, that they will not abandon me, they will stand with me at the hour of need and if I go missing they will stand with my children,” he added.