• A multi-agency response team comprising the Kenya Red Cross and the County government has been actively engaged in rescue operations to address the ongoing crisis.

Machakos Governor Wavinya Ndeti has urged Kenyans to refrain from settling in riparian areas due to the increased risk of flooding during heavy rains. In response to recent devastating floods in the region, Governor Ndeti highlighted the human-made errors contributing to these disasters.

"Some of the mistakes are human-made. Building a house on top of a river, where the river used to flow, is a self-inflicted action. We are causing these things to happen," Governor Ndeti emphasized. She urged people to exercise caution and move away from rivers, stressing the need to be mindful of water-related risks.

The urgency of the governor's message was underscored by a recent incident on April 21, 2024, where the Athi River burst its banks and left 19 individuals marooned in the Kinanie area of Machakos County.

Prompt action was taken by the Kenya Red Cross Society, which managed to rescue 14 people, including 10 adults and four children.

A multi-agency response team comprising the Kenya Red Cross and the County government has been actively engaged in rescue operations to address the ongoing crisis.

However, the National Disaster Management Unit has warned all Kenyans to prepare for heavy rainfall in the coming week.

"Expect continued rainfall across various regions. Heavy downpours are forecasted for parts of Highlands East/West Rift Valley, Nbi, Lake Victoria Basin, Rift Valley, South-eastern lowlands, Coast & Off Coast, North-western, and North-eastern Kenya. Stay prepared!" cautioned the National Disaster Management Unit.