• Known for his outspoken nature, Kuria’s words carried weight, sparking discussions and intrigue across the nation.

In a live radio show on Monday, March 11, 2024, at Spice FM, Kenya’s Cabinet Secretary for Public Service, Performance and Delivery Management, Moses Kuria, made waves with his candid remarks about the future of Kenyan politics.

 Kuria’s words carried weight, sparking discussions and intrigue across the nation.

Support for Raila Odinga

Kuria began by expressing unwavering support for his “good friend,” Raila Odinga, who was on the cusp of assuming a significant role: heading to the African Union (AU).

"I’m supporting him because as EA we are not doing well in terms of pan-African leadership, not at AU, not at our pan African financial institutions," he said.

According to Kuria, having representatives like Raila in pan-African leadership positions was beneficial and paramount. He emphasized that this move would benefit Kenya, East Africa, and the broader political landscape.

The Quest for Key Positions

Kuria’s vision extended beyond mere support. He underscored the urgency of securing two critical positions this year: the African Union Commission (AUC) and the African Development Bank. These institutions, he believed, held the keys to effective pan-African leadership. His conviction was clear: Kenya needed to pursue these roles actively.

"Two things we must get this year, are AUC and African Development Bank. So to have a representation of people like Raila Odinga is paramount, good for us, good for our politics, good for the place of East Africa and we will do everything possible to ensure he gets that position," he added. 

Raila’s Return: A Bold Prediction

However, Kuria’s prediction about Raila Odinga’s trajectory truly captured attention. Despite speculation and whispers, Kuria asserted that Raila was not bidding farewell to Kenyan politics. Instead, he confidently declared, “He is coming back.”

Raila’s stint at the AU would be a mere interlude—a strategic pause in a larger narrative. Kuria even hinted at the existence of campaign T-shirts for Raila’s future bid, suggesting that preparations were already underway.

Kuria playfully addressed those who underestimated Raila’s resilience. “People who have no bearing of history,” he quipped, “think that ‘Baba’ is going anywhere.” In Kuria’s view, Raila was destined for a comeback.

Kuria’s crystal ball extended further. He speculated that Raila might delegate former Tanzanian President Jakaya Kikwete to handle urgent matters while he focused on his political resurgence.

"Raila Odinga will be on the ballot. He will, if anything, give Kikwete to finish for him as he takes care of some urgent business," he said.

The upcoming contest, Kuria predicted, would be nothing short of fascinating—a clash of titans with Kenya’s political landscape as the battleground.

"It’s going to be an interesting contest. Put it down somewhere," he said.

 A Political Odyssey Unfolds

Kuria's words linger as the dust settles and Raila Odinga assumes his AU responsibilities. His prophecy—bold, unapologetic, and rooted in history—paints a vivid picture of Kenya’s political future. Whether Raila’s return materializes exactly as Kuria foretold remains to be seen, but one thing is sure: the stage is set, and the nation watches with bated breath.

Put it down somewhere.