• The Northern White Rhino has been an endangered species for the past 70+ years and only two remain and both are aged females with the last male 'Sudan' passing on a few years ago.

IVF is Lab assisted pregnancy that involves embryo transfer between parent donor's and implanted in a surrogate to facilitate both birth and foetal development.

The Northern White Rhino has been an endangered species for the past 70+ years and only two remain and both are aged females with the last male 'Sudan' passing on a few years ago.

Scientists have been looking for ways to preserve the species itself by using IVF and surrogate Southern White Rhino who unfortunately passed on three months into her pregnancy.

Now the question lies where there's an ethical dillema in this practice of IVF itself and the whether if the success of this particular foetus being transferred to another mother(s) may lead to the same happen to people trying out the practice.

Kenya being a predominantly religious society expects reproduction to be aligned with religiously acceptable ways and this is going to raise hot questions among our policy makers and thinkers on whether this practice might affect the root of relationships and family building.

There's a belief that the practice might be normalised and taken as a go to means for reproduction. This might just lead to the desemation of the thing that's family or will it.

Scientists argue that the practice doesn't affect individual decision making and that its personal and it takes counseling and its given as an add on option to other family building practices.

The survival of this species solely depends on this IVF practice and this might just propel it to being the go to option for people even though expensive.

I believe to some extent we should understand that life's about survival and any action, route, policy or mechanism employed to preserve life or bring rise to one should be encouraged but a limited approach taken if there's other means that can be applied then they should be.

Let's think out loud about the balance between religion and survival.