• While on foot patrol along the Kenya-Uganda railway line near the bridge, a civilian walking from the Ugandan side attacked the officer.

A civilian attacked Corporal Joshua Kibei, a police officer in Teso, resulting in the loss of his gun during a patrol along the Kenya-Uganda railway line in Malaba town, as reported in a police statement.

According to the police report filed under OB Number 26/26/01/2024, the incident involving Corporal Joshua Kibei occurred at 10:40 AM on Friday, January 26, 2024.

“While he was on foot patrol along the railway line bordering Kenya and Uganda near the bridge, one male adult who was walking from the Ugandan side met with him and the [officer] asked him where he was going,” the police report read in part.

The assailant initially claimed to be meeting someone in Kenya but suddenly attacked the officer, hitting him on the left shoulder, wrestling him down, and seizing the AK-47 rifle with serial number 60033594, loaded with 30 rounds of 7.62mm ammunition.

Following the assault, the civilian fled downstream along the River Malaba. The officer raised the alarm, prompting members of the public and police from both Malaba police station and the Railway police post to rush to the scene.

The robber disappeared into the thicket along the river, and efforts are underway with officers from DCI Teso North actively involved in the case.

The location of the officer's attack is an unofficial border crossing point where police are stationed to combat smuggling activities. According to police sources, this marks the third incident in the area.

Previously, two similar incidents occurred on the Ugandan side of the border, involving Ugandan police officers who lost two guns last year. Unfortunately, these firearms have not been recovered to date.