•  Kabarak University, founded in 2000 by the late President Daniel T. Moi, has been a prominent institution in Kenya. President Moi, who served as the President from 1978 to 2002, established the university with a vision to provide quality education.

October 6, 2023, marked a significant milestone in the history of Kabarak University as it witnessed the launch of the Kabarak University TVET institution and the grand opening of the Nakuru City Campus.

The momentous event took place at the Nakuru City Campus and was attended by various leaders and stakeholders of the university.

Various leaders and university stakeholders during the grand opening of the Nakuru city campus. (PHOTO: Brain Odhiambo)

One of the notable attendees was Kabarak University Chancellor Gideon Moi, who graced the occasion with his presence. The Chief Guest for the event was Dr. Kipkirui Langat, the Director General of the TVET Authority.

 Kabarak University, founded in 2000 by the late President Daniel Toroitich Arap Moi, has been a prominent institution in Kenya. President Moi, who served as the President from 1978 to 2002, established the university with a vision to provide quality education.

The Nakuru City Campus was established in September 2006, and after years of planning and construction, the complex was officially handed over in June 2022.

Following an inspection in November 2022, the campus received full accreditation from the Commission for University Education in March 2023. The day of the launch also marked the institution's dedication to the Lord by Rev. Prof Jacob Kibor, the university provost.

The newly launched TVET institution aims to provide a modern learning environment equipped with a well-stocked library, lecture halls, and offices to support the degree, diploma, and certificate programs offered by Kabarak University.

Currently, the City Campus offers diverse programs, including one certificate program, eleven diploma programs, four undergraduate programs, eight master's programs, and one doctoral philosophy program. The campus is home to a student population of 435 learners, with a projected growth rate of 10 per cent every semester.

The TVET institute, registered in January 2021 under the TVET Act 2013, started with 12 students who joined in September 2021 and are expected to graduate in 2024.

Presently, the institution has a total of 177 learners. The institute offers three annual intakes in January, May, and September. Initially offering 23 courses, the institute has expanded its course offerings to 39, covering various disciplines such as ICT, Engineering, Business, Hospitality, and Tourism.

In addition to the regular academic programs, the TVET institute also provides professional courses such as CPA (Certified Public Accountant), CHRP (Certified Human Resource Professional), and CPS (Certified Public Secretary).

Various national examination boards examine these professional courses, including the KNEC (Kenya National Examinations Council), Technical and Vocational Training Curriculum Development Assessment and Certification Council, and KASNEB (Kenya Accountants and Secretaries National Examination Board).

The launch event saw the appointment of Dr. Dan Mutai as the Director of the TVET Institute, who assumed office on September 1, 2023 along with Faith Yator as the Deputy Director.

The Chairman of the University Governing Council, Dr. John Kibosia, expressed his appreciation for the expansion and growth of Kabarak University, emphasizing the university's commitment to upholding the visionary legacy of President Moi.

“The launch reflects the remarkable vision of our university founder, moi, who founded Kabarak University in 2000. 23 years later, the vision of Moi grows stronger with the expansion that we are witnessing today. As the chair of the university governing council, I can say with unwavering confidence that our university has not only embraced but excelled in upholding the visionary legacy of Mzee Moi,” he said

He highlighted the council's responsibility to provide unwavering support and diligent oversight to ensure the institution remains steadfast in its mission and vision.

“I can attest that our university has remained on course,” he added

During the launch, Kabarak University Chancellor Gideon Moi expressed his delight with the new complex, stating that it reflects the founder's vision and enables the university to offer more relevant programs and courses to meet the needs of society.

He emphasized the university's commitment to integrating practical skills with theoretical knowledge, aligning with the vision of TVET in Kenya. The chancellor stressed further the university's aim to produce graduates with the skills required for employment, entrepreneurship, and lifelong learning.

“The initiative is a manifestation of our dedication to aligning with the vision of TVET in Kenya. With this institute, we aim to produce not just graduates but technicians and entrepreneurs, creators of solutions and bearers of opportunities for all of us,” he said.

The guest speaker Dr. Kipkirui Langat, the Director General of the TVET Authority acknowledged the steps taken by Kabarak University in the tertiary education sector of Kenya.

He said the launch of the TVET institution is seen as a testament to the university's commitment to transforming lives through education. The speaker highlighted the importance of TVET institutes in empowering young Kenyans with marketable skills and contributing to improving youth employment and the country's economy.

“The TVET institution is aimed at creating a workforce in our country. These people will drive our economy to the desired level. The initiative by Kabarak University to have a TVET institution complements what the government is doing,” he said.

In his speech, the Chairman of the Board of Trustees Kabarak University, Raymond Moi, emphasized that President Daniel Moi firmly believed in the transformative power of education.

The Chairman of the Board of Trustees Kabarak University, Raymond Moi officially launching the TVET Institute. (Photo/Courtesy: Brian Odhiambo)

Throughout his tenure, President Moi dedicated himself to establishing schools, colleges, and universities, making significant contributions to the growth of the education sector across the country.

“No president was dedicated to establishing education institutions like mzee Moi,” he said.

The launch of the Kabarak University TVET institution and the Nakuru Town Campus stands as a testament to the university's commitment to excellence and fulfilling the visionary aspirations of its founder.

The event signifies a new chapter in Kabarak University's journey, shaping the future by producing graduates who will be agents of change, both locally and internationally.

As the university embarks on this new endeavour, it aims to provide a unique learning experience that integrates biblical Christian values into its curriculum.

With state-of-the-art facilities and expanded course offerings, Kabarak University is poised to make a significant impact in the technical and vocational education and training field in Kenya.