•  Sonko believes that determination and perseverance will ultimately lead to success, despite any initial setbacks or obstacles faced along the way.

Former Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko has delivered a message of encouragement to individuals starting from nothing.

Recognizing the doubts and uncertainties that may arise when embarking on such a journey, Sonko emphasizes that starting from the bottom is not a curse but a blessing.

"Niaje watu wangu, najua some of you wanajiuliza kama watawai timiza ndoto zao, but I want to tell you that starting from the bottom is not a curse but a blessing," he said.

He believes that beginning with limited resources or opportunities provides a unique chance to learn, grow, and ultimately prove the naysayers wrong. Sonko's uplifting words inspire individuals to embrace their humble beginnings, remain focused on their path, and trust that their hard work will be rewarded in due time.

“ It is an opportunity to learn, grow and prove your haters wrong kwa hivo musiogope kuanzia chini because starting from the bottom does not mean staying at the bottom," he added.

According to Mike Sonko, starting from scratch is an invaluable opportunity for personal development. He encourages individuals to view their humble beginnings as a chance to learn and acquire essential skills from the ground up.

By appreciating the growth process, one can gain a deeper understanding of the journey and a greater appreciation for every step taken towards success.

In his message, Sonko urges individuals not to be discouraged by the success of others while they are still struggling. He advises against comparing one's progress to that of others, as each individual's journey is unique. Instead, he encourages focusing on personal goals and aspirations, using any negativity as motivation to prove the doubters wrong.

"When you start from the bottom, it makes you appreciate every step of the way. Wewe focus on your hustle na usijilinganishe na wengine. Don't feel discouraged or frustrated when you see others enjoying life while you are struggling to survive, " Sonko said.

 Sonko believes that determination and perseverance will ultimately lead to success, despite any initial setbacks or obstacles faced along the way.

He stressed the importance of faith and trust in one's journey. He reassures individuals that their time will come and that God's reward will be significant.

Sonko acknowledges the frustration that may arise from witnessing others enjoying the fruits of their labour while still struggling.

However, he emphasizes the need to remain patient and steadfast, trusting that their efforts will be recognized and rewarded profoundly when the right moment arrives.