• We tend to suppress our feelings instead of expressing them, which can lead to a build-up of emotions that can eventually explode and cause harm to ourselves and those around us.

In today's society, several toxic behaviours are normalized, and we often engage in them without realizing their negative impact.

Here are seven poisonous behaviours that we need to be aware of and work towards eliminating:

1. Emotional Bottling

One of the most prevalent toxic behaviours is emotional bottling. We tend to suppress our feelings instead of expressing them, which can lead to a build-up of emotions that can eventually explode and cause harm to ourselves and those around us.

Acknowledging and expressing our feelings healthily is essential to avoid such a scenario.

2. Comparison Trap

Another toxic behaviour is the comparison trap. We often find ourselves trapped in the never-ending comparison game, comparing ourselves to others, which can lead to dissatisfaction and low self-esteem.

It is crucial to remember that everyone's journey is unique, and we should focus on our progress and growth.

3. Perfectionism Paralysis

Striving for perfection may seem admirable, but it can be paralyzing. It is essential to embrace the concept of progress over perfection, avoid being too afraid to take any action and overcome perfectionism paralysis.

4. Toxic Positivity

Toxic positivity is another unhealthy behaviour that cuts the genuine connection between emotions and struggles. Creating a safe space for authenticity and support is essential, acknowledging that it is okay not to be okay sometimes.

5. People-Pleasing

Constantly seeking approval can be detrimental to your self-worth. It is crucial to remember that it is impossible to please everyone. We should focus on our well-being, set healthy boundaries, and surround ourselves with uplifting people.

6. Mindless Scrolling

In the digital age, we are often consumed by the endless scroll, which can harm our mental health. It is crucial to shorten our screen time, disconnect when it is not needed, and engage in activities that detox our minds, bodies, and souls.

7. Cancel Culture

Lastly, cancel culture is a toxic behaviour that is prevalent in today's society. Being accountable for our actions is crucial, but we should avoid a toxic environment of judgment and hate.

We should join a culture where we can learn from our mistakes and grow together as a society.

Becoming aware of these toxic behaviours is the first step towards eliminating them. We should work towards creating a healthier environment for ourselves and those around us by embracing positive behaviours and habits.

By doing so, we can live a happier and more fulfilling life.