• His tour involved visiting ten countries, giving him a wide audience to adequately spread his gospel on the critical need to educate the masses on reducing the odds of blindness and other related eye diseases

Dr Stephen Mbeche rode his BMW R1200 GS motorcycle on a journey locked in on reaching South Africa to raise awareness on eye care, a campaign dubbed Eyes for Africa on Two Wheels. He covered an astonishing 13,000 km in over three weeks.

His tour involved visiting ten countries, giving him a wide audience to adequately spread his gospel on the critical need to educate the masses on reducing the odds of blindness and other related eye diseases.

Dr. Stephen in the Tanzania- Kenya border, on his way back. (Photo/Courtesy: @Mbeche Stephen on Facebook)

This expedition presented downsides like being arrested, sometimes getting lost, fighting exhaustion, and dozing off while on the road. These ordeals maimed his determination and tested his resilience, but he stayed true to his calling and kept pushing.

However, the journey’s trump card won him acquaintances with incredible people, he got to witness and experience Africa’s beauty, and acquired remarkable support for his movement.

Stephen Mbeche with elites of Mzuzu University, Malawi. (Photo/Courtesy: @Mbeche Stephen on Facebook)

Stephen’s pursuit will be remembered and commemorated as it brought people from different nations together through donations and encouragement which he needed since the downs were taking a toll on him encouraging him to give up.

Stephen Mbeche in L'Aghullas Town, South Africa. (Photo/Courtesy: @Mbeche Stephen on Facebook)

Since he diarized the trip on his Facebook page, the public was updated on his progress and upon making it back home, enthusiasts were quick to express their admiration and warm reception through posts.

Some of his earnest supporters who posted on Facebook include:

@Wanok Godfrey

Your name will go down in history, Mbeche Samuel! My hearty congratulations, and I’m looking forward to joining you on a similar trip in the future.

@Makena Njuki

I have read all the posts and watched all the videos Samuel Mbeche posted during his long trip!!.

All I can say is, I was left challenged proper and entertained.

@Kelvin Wilson Odhiambo

Man on a mission for a worthy cause. Nairobi to Cape Town, and back in 23 days. Congrats Mbeche Samuel and welcome back.