• In a viral TikTok video, Majimbo narrated her experience with Campbell and how it affected her career and mental health.

Kenyan comedian and social media star Elsa Majimbo has revealed how she was allegedly blackmailed and manipulated by British supermodel Naomi Campbell.

In a viral TikTok video, Majimbo narrated her experience with Campbell and how it affected her career and mental health.

Majimbo said that she met Campbell in December 2020, when the supermodel visited Nairobi for leisure. She said that Campbell followed her on Instagram and expressed interest in mentoring her.

Majimbo said she was excited and honored to meet her role model and agreed to work with her.

However, things took a turn for the worse when Campbell started to make unreasonable demands and threats to Majimbo. Majimbo said that Campbell wanted her to sign a contract that would give her full control over her career and personal life.

She said that Campbell also wanted her to cut ties with her friends, family, and other mentors. Majimbo said that she refused to sign the contract and told Campbell that she wanted to be independent and free.

Majimbo said that Campbell did not take her rejection well and started to blackmail her.

She said that Campbell threatened to ruin her reputation and career in Hollywood and Africa. She said that Campbell also spread false rumors and lies about her to other celebrities and media outlets.

Majimbo said that she was hurt and scared by Campbell's actions and felt like she had no one to trust or turn to.

Majimbo said that she decided to speak out about her ordeal to expose Campbell's true nature and to warn other young artists not to fall for her trap. She said that she wanted to inspire others to stand up for themselves and to follow their dreams.

She said that she did not want to be owned by someone else and that she was proud of who she was and what she had achieved.

"I don't want to be owned by someone else. I don't want to be controlled by someone else. I don't want to be manipulated by someone else. I want to be me. I want to be Elsa Majimbo," she said in the video.

Campbell has not responded to Majimbo's allegations or the video.

However, some of her fans and supporters have defended her and accused Majimbo of lying and seeking attention.