• In the quiet hallways of our educational institutions, students are struggling with the weight of their emotions, anxiety, and uncertainties that cloud their minds.

In the corridors of education, where young minds are supposed to be nurtured and futures built, an undeniable irony prevails.

In the quiet hallways of our educational institutions, students are struggling with the weight of their emotions, anxiety, and uncertainties that cloud their minds.

It is a crisis that is not taken with as much weight as it should. This article journeys into the heart of the matter, which is the urgency of mental health support in schools and the potential it holds to empower minds and change lives.

The current state of mental health among students in Kenya is a growing concern. At some point in our lives, we've all felt the immense pressure to meet certain expectations.

There is a thin line between stress and mental wellness, and without knowing it, individuals could fall into depression.

High levels of chronic stress can have a heavy impact on an individual, potentially leading to the rise of mental health conditions such as depression.

The brain, under prolonged stress, can produce chemicals like serotonin and norepinephrine, which contribute to depression. This can lead to the development of destructive coping mechanisms such as avoidance or substance abuse.

On November 29, 2023, a tragic incident occurred where a fourth-year student of Science and Technology from Multimedia University committed suicide. Reports state that he had been struggling with mental distress and showed signs of psychological struggles.

 In response to this heartbreaking event, the university Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Professor Paul Mbatia, expressed deep sorrow and led a prayer with students. Professor Mbatia's actions show the support provided by the university, creating a nurturing environment for students.

The lesson learned is that prevention is better than cure, meaning it is better to deal with issues when they arise rather than after the damage is done.

Schools hold a vital position in identifying and addressing mental health challenges before it is too late to do anything. They can create a culture that prioritizes the general well-being of students and even include the community in coming up with health initiatives.

By implementing mental health support systems, schools can provide early identification of mental health concerns and offer the necessary resources and interventions to support students in need.

This proactive approach can prevent crises and tragedies, promoting the overall mental wellness of students.