• Avoid popping pimples yourself, as it can cause further inflammation, scarring, and breakouts.

Maintaining healthy and radiant skin is a goal for many individuals. While various factors can impact the condition of your skin, incorporating good skin care practices into your routine can make a significant difference.

This article presents ten tips to help you achieve and maintain healthy, glowing skin:

1. Use sunscreen

Protecting your skin from the sun's harmful rays is crucial. Apply sunscreen with at least SPF 15, and reapply it every two hours. Avoid direct sun exposure during peak hours and wear protective clothing, hats, and sunglasses.

2. Moisturize your skin daily

Keep your skin hydrated and prevent dryness and flaking by moisturizing daily. Choose a moisturizer suitable for your skin type, preferably with added SPF. Apply it while your skin is still damp to lock in moisture.

3. Exfoliate

Exfoliation helps remove dead skin cells, revealing a smoother and brighter complexion. Use a gentle scrub or loofah once weekly to massage your skin in circular motions. Avoid excessive exfoliation, as it can damage your skin.

4. Wash your face twice a day

Cleanse your face gently to remove dirt, oil, and makeup that can clog pores and cause acne. Use a mild cleanser suitable for your skin type, wash with lukewarm water, and pat dry with a soft towel.

5. Add Vitamin C to your skincare routine

Vitamin C offers numerous benefits for your skin, including brightening the complexion, fading dark spots, and stimulating collagen production. Incorporate serums, moisturizers, or face masks containing Vitamin C into your routine.

6. Drink plenty of water

Hydrating your body from within is essential for healthy skin. Water moisturizes and nourishes your skin, giving it a natural glow. Staying hydrated can also help prevent breakouts and maintain a fresh and clear complexion.

7. Eat fruits

Include fruits in your diet as they provide essential nutrients for your skin's health. Berries are rich in antioxidants, protecting against free radicals and promoting a youthful complexion.

Citrus fruits, such as oranges and lemons, are high in Vitamin C, which brightens the skin and evens out skin tone. Avocado, with its healthy fats and vitamins, nourishes and hydrates the skin.

8. Take carrots

Carrots are an excellent addition to your diet for healthy skin. Rich in beta-carotene, which converts to Vitamin A, carrots promote cell turnover, maintain skin health, and give your complexion a beautiful glow.

Regular consumption can contribute to a smoother complexion and reduced appearance of blemishes.

9. Avoid touching your face unnecessarily

Minimize touching your face as it can transfer dirt, oils, and bacteria, potentially leading to breakouts and irritation. If needed, ensure your hands are clean or use a tissue.

Avoid popping pimples yourself, as it can cause further inflammation, scarring, and breakouts.

10. Avoid smoking

Smoking accelerates ageing, damages skin elasticity, and reduces blood flow and oxygen levels, leading to dryness and dullness. Quitting smoking can improve your skin's condition and overall health.