• The 8-4-4 system, implemented in 1985, consisted of eight years in primary school, four years in lower secondary, and four years in upper secondary education.

Change is on the horizon for Kenya's primary education system as the long-standing 8-4-4 system approaches its final days.

Candidates are preparing for the KCPE examinations, marking the end of an era. The 8-4-4 system, the backbone of primary and secondary education in Kenya for decades, is set to be replaced by a new curriculum.

The 8-4-4 system, implemented in 1985, consisted of eight years in primary school, four years in lower secondary, and four years in upper secondary education.

However, it faced criticism for its rigid academic structure and limited focus on skills development, leading to the need for reform.

In 2017, the Kenyan government introduced the Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC) to replace the 8-4-4 system. The CBC aims to provide a holistic and practical approach to education by focusing on developing learners' competencies and skills.

It emphasizes critical thinking, creativity, problem-solving, and practical skills relevant to the 21st century.

The upcoming rehearsal on October 27, 2023, marks a significant milestone in transitioning from the 8-4-4 system to the CBC. It allows schools, teachers, and students to familiarize themselves with the new curriculum's structure and teaching methods.

The rehearsal provides valuable insights into the challenges and opportunities ahead during the full implementation of CBC.

The CBC introduces critical changes to the education system. It emphasizes continuous assessment, broadens learning areas to include creative arts and life skills, focuses on relevant skills, and promotes a learner-centred approach that encourages active student participation.

While the transition to CBC holds promise, it also presents challenges. Adequate teacher training, infrastructure development, and learning materials are crucial for a smooth implementation.

Collaboration between the government, educators, and stakeholders is necessary to overcome these obstacles and ensure the success of the new curriculum.