• Graduates are reminded that they can upgrade and pursue their dream positions over time.

As graduation ceremonies occur across various universities in Kenya, the country's citizens have come forward to offer wisdom to the fresh graduates entering a new chapter of their lives.

With a mix of practical advice and encouragement, these insights highlight the importance of seizing opportunities, pursuing personal growth, and embracing the journey ahead.

Creating Your Destiny

Githii (@githii) urges graduates to break free from the rat race and view graduation as more than just a gateway to traditional employment. Instead, it is an invitation to shape their destinies.

Graduates can forge unique paths that align with their aspirations by considering self-employment, exploring their passions, and becoming architects of their own futures.

Timing and Responsibility

For male graduates, Githii advises not to rush into marriage or starting a family. Instead, he emphasizes the significance of investing time in personal growth and ensuring mental and financial stability before taking on such responsibilities.

This advice highlights the importance of building a solid foundation before committing to other life milestones.

Skills over Grades

Ivo Matee (@IvoMatee) reminds graduates that their skills hold more significance than their grades. In a competitive job market, practical abilities and hands-on experience often outweigh academic achievements.

This advice encourages graduates to develop their skill sets, continuously seek learning opportunities, and stay adaptable in the ever-changing professional landscape.

Embracing Opportunities

The sentiment shared by Pierre Kundi (@PierreKundi), Brian Mwiti (@itsbrian_mwiti), and Senior CJ (@seniorCj_) underscores the importance of being open-minded when it comes to job opportunities. Graduates are advised not to be overly selective; any legitimate work that pays can be a valuable starting point.

This perspective encourages graduates to embrace various opportunities and gain practical experience, understanding that career advancements come with time and dedication.

Never Stop Learning

Nhial Ma (@NhialMa) reminds graduates that their learning journey is far from over. Graduation marks the beginning of a lifelong process of growth and development. By maintaining a thirst for knowledge, graduates can stay relevant and adaptable in a rapidly evolving world.

Welcome to the School of Life

Kemoi Minister (@KemoiMinister) aptly welcomes the graduates to the School of Life. This sentiment acknowledges that the real-world experiences and challenges they will encounter outside the academic setting will provide valuable lessons and opportunities for personal and professional growth.

Shaping Your Circles

Mvtvri (@Mvtvri) advises graduates to surround themselves with individuals who add value to their lives. It is essential to let go of relationships that do not contribute to personal growth and instead seek out internships or any legitimate work that can provide valuable experience.

Graduates are reminded that they can upgrade and pursue their dream positions over time.

Taking Action

Bwamzee86 (@Bwamzee86) encourages graduates not to rely solely on their academic qualifications but to take action and enter the workforce. This advice emphasizes the importance of being proactive, seeking opportunities, and making a tangible impact.

Exploring Opportunities

Ole Sururu (@Olesururu_) acknowledges the scarcity of jobs and advises graduates to explore side hustles and entrepreneurial endeavours. This perspective encourages graduates to think outside the box, develop multiple income streams, and embrace a proactive career approach.