• The recent protests are a testament to Gen Z's readiness to challenge policies they perceive as unjust and their ability to mobilize quickly and effectively through social media platforms. 

The recent emergence of the Gen Z movements in Kenya protesting against the Finance Bill 2024 signals a shift in the political landscape. This generation, characterized by digital savviness, social consciousness, and a desire for transparency and accountability, represents a powerful force that could redefine politics in the coming years.

Generation Z, born from 1996 to 2010, will be a significant voting bloc, with many of them voting for the first time in the 2027 elections, according to statistics released in 2019 by the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics.

This generation is markedly different from previous generations, such as the Baby Boomers and Millennials. Growing up at a time of technological advancement, with widespread internet access and increased exposure to global events and ideas, their perspectives have been shaped, making them more critical of traditional power structures and demanding change.

The recent protests are a testament to Gen Z's readiness to challenge policies they perceive as unjust and their ability to mobilize quickly and effectively through social media platforms. For politicians like President William Ruto, the challenge lies in understanding and adapting to this generation's unique characteristics.

Gen Z voters are less likely to be swayed by traditional campaign methods and more likely to support candidates who genuinely address their concerns, such as job opportunities and inclusivity. To win the support of Gen Z in 2027, President Ruto and other politicians need to adapt strategies that resonate with this demographic.

This includes digital engagement to listen to their views and including youth in policymaking to ensure their voices are heard. The ability of politicians to connect with and address the concerns of this young generation could be pivotal in determining their success in the 2027 elections.