• It's important to note that procrastination can stem from a combination of these factors, and individuals may experience different causes at different times or in varying degrees.

Procrastination is delaying an important task, usually by focusing on less urgent, more enjoyable and more accessible activities instead.

It is one of the main barriers blocking you from getting up, making the right decisions and living the dream life you've thought of.

Procrastination can have various underlying causes in individuals.

Here are ten common causes:

1. Lack of motivation

 When individuals lack a clear sense of purpose or intrinsic motivation, they tend to delay tasks and procrastinate.

2. Fear of failure

The fear of not meeting expectations or making mistakes can lead individuals to procrastinate to avoid confronting their anxieties.

3. Perfectionism

 Some individuals have unrealistically high standards for themselves, making it difficult to start or complete tasks because they fear they won't meet their lofty expectations.

4. Lack of time management skills

 Poor organizational skills, difficulty prioritizing tasks, and underestimating the time required for completion can contribute to procrastination.

5. Being Overwhelmed

 When individuals feel overwhelmed by the size or complexity of a task, they may delay starting it, hoping to avoid the stress associated with it.

6. Lack of focus or concentration

 Difficulties in maintaining focus or concentration can make it challenging to engage in tasks, leading to procrastination.

7. Reward-driven behaviour

Some individuals are drawn to immediate gratification or short-term pleasures, such as social media, video games, or other distractions, which can divert their attention from essential tasks.

8. Low self-confidence

Individuals who need more confidence in their abilities may put off tasks because they doubt their capacity to complete them successfully.

9. Task aversion

 Specific tasks may be unpleasant, boring, or uninteresting to individuals, leading them to delay or avoid them altogether.

10. Lack of accountability

With external accountability, such as deadlines or supervision, individuals may be able to stay motivated and may be more prone to procrastination.

It's important to note that procrastination can stem from a combination of these factors, and individuals may experience different causes at different times or in varying degrees.

Procrastination is a disease that, if not cured quickly, can cause more harm than good.