• I am not judging you for being sad. How could I? I get you. I’ve been there. But sis, don’t stay there for too long. There’s no time. Pick yourself up. Life is waiting. It’s waiting for you to live it.

For a minute, forget everything bad that has ever happened to you. Now, remember all those days you were happy. Why were you happy then? Yes, I want you to always remember. Remember this every time you feel sad. Because you are okay, and you are doing great.

We spend most of our time in negativity, which leads to depression. Life is amazing if you give it a chance.

How has being sad helped you so far? As far as I know, things always seem to go wrong once you are sad. Why? Because you are flowing in low vibration.

I am not judging you for being sad. How could I? I get you. I’ve been there. But sis, don’t stay there for too long. There’s no time. Pick yourself up. Life is waiting. It’s waiting for you to live it.

Happiness is a choice. This is why you might be living a sad life, but you are happy. And at the same time, someone else might be living a happy life, but is sad.

We spend most of our time chasing materialize things, hoping they would make us happy. But we forget that happiness is from within. You don’t need anything to make you feel satisfied. It is all you.

Be happy today. You got this, I promise.