• One of the things that has killed marriages is that self-centered singles become self-centered couples. If you and your spouse both have a selfless heart and a committed mind, you will both realize that you keep outdoing one another in expressing love.

  • You cannot build a great marriage when you have an exit plan. You better tell yourself before marriage that “I am in this to give my all” and be sure that your partner is on the same page.

Marriage is a legally and socially sanctioned union, usually between a man and a woman, that is regulated by laws, rules, customs, beliefs, and attitudes that prescribe the rights and duties of the partners and accords status to their offspring (if any).

Marriage advice has been given, executed and explained to individuals of different cultural sections, but what holds a marriage has never been determined even by experienced experts.

Temil Oluwa tries to explain how to build resilient marriages in this present era of self-centeredness and rush for monetary gain that people claim is the determinant of a successful marriage.

Pastor Temil Oluwa Ola, a teacher and preacher of God’s word and founder and President of the Anuoluwapo Temil Oluwa Ola Ministry (ATOM), is also the publisher of Compass, a daily devotional to help believers navigate life through the word of God and prayer.

"That evening, when we returned from the engagement ceremony of my Aunt. Mum made an unusual request. She wanted Dad to help her clear her dishes after eating.
 Dad obliged.

Once Dad returned, she told him she could not see him again. Her sight was lost. Daddy lifted his hands, and she did not know the number of fingers.

Daddy sobbed.
At that moment, when it seemed all came to a standstill and hearing her lover sob, she asked, “Are you crying?” Dad held onto her two hands. He lifted them, touched his eyes, and said to her, “From today, these are your eyes.”

First, if your marriage is strong, there is something you must settle, and that is the fact that you own nothing! You have nothing- not even your body. It is not your house. It is not your car. It is not your money. You cannot say, “Pack out of my house” or “You cannot go out with my car.”

One of the things that has killed marriages is that self-centred singles become self-centred couples.

If you and your spouse have a selfless heart and a committed mind, you will realize that you keep outdoing one another in expressing love.

Second, marriage is still “for better and for worse.”
There will be rough moments on the road- broken days when there is nothing, yet your emotions cannot fluctuate with your bank balance.

It is easy to know when some men have money and are broke. It is written on their faces and perceived by their mood.

My parents did not want that night, but challenges (just like opportunities) do not give you notice. You cannot even pray against them. They are part of life’s equation. They simply arrive as guests. You must know how to treat them. You must be prepared before they come.

There is now a generation that is arising that has been told that “once you confess it, it will all just be good.” Even if you confess it, it will only all work out for your good. And that is if you are prepared to master it.

You cannot build a great marriage when you have an exit plan. You better tell yourself before marriage that “I am in this to give my all” and be sure that your partner is on the same page.

Homes have broken because a spouse lost a job. Some have broken because another had a terminal illness. Some have broken because the other had an accident, and they could no longer endure it. Some homes fail, and parties become unfaithful because no child is yet!

If you know that marriage is a covenant and you understand what it is, you would know that indeed it is for better and for worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness or health and till death do us part!