• Being in love sometimes makes us forget ourselves and focus on the present, what matters now, but coming to think of that, silly and stupid stuffs make a larger percentage of an enjoyable and momentous love life where everyone is allowed to express themselves without fear of being judged or misinterpreted.

Love can indeed make us do some silly, yet ultimately worthwhile things in a relationship.

These specific things that if you look back , yes they were stupid but were worth a memory and interesting phase of your relationship that was thoughtful.

Being in love sometimes makes us forget ourselves and focus on the present, what matters now, but coming to think of that, silly and stupid stuffs make a larger percentage of an enjoyable and momentous love life where everyone is allowed to express themselves without fear of being judged or misinterpreted.

Here are 10 examples to cheer your love life and kind of improve any bit of it:

1. Sing Off-Key Serenades

You may find yourself belting out love songs, even if you can't carry a tune.

It's the thought that counts!

2. Goofy Pet Names

Love can inspire the creation of quirky, affectionate nicknames that only make sense to you and your partner.

3. Dance like No One's Watching

You might bust out spontaneous dance moves in the living room, regardless of your dancing skills.

Being lost in the moment.

4. Endless Texting

 You engage in long text conversations that probably aren't very interesting to anyone else but are essential for your connection, but dont overdo it.

5. Public Displays of Affection

Sometimes, you can't resist a passionate kiss or a tight hug in public, even if it makes others roll their eyes.

6. Share Embarrassing Stories

 You open up and share the most embarrassing moments of your life, trusting that your partner won't judge you.

Such activities strengthen the bonds between partners.

7. Random Acts of Love

 Love prompts you to leave cute notes, surprise gifts, or breakfast in bed for your partner, just because.

8. Bad Movie Nights

You willingly sit through movies or TV shows you have no interest in because your partner loves them.

9. Wear Matching Outfits

 Coordinating your outfits, even unintentionally, can be a fun and silly expression of your bond.

10. Cartoon Voices

 You find yourself talking to each other in funny voices or imitating cartoon characters just for laughs.

These moments of silliness and vulnerability can strengthen the bond in a relationship and create cherished memories that you'll both look back on and smile about.