• Speculations as to what transpired run wild after nine bodies were recovered from a dump site in Quarry area, Mukuru kwa Njenga, on July 12 by locals.
  • The bodies, which were wrapped in polythene bags, are said to be female, some disassembled and at various stages of decomposition. 
  • Some beleive the bodies might be of dozens who went missing during late June- early July Occupy protests.
  • Others speculate that a serial killer has been hiding in plain sight, given the victims' similarities and the indistinguishable M.O. in relation to the manner of death.

Speculations as to what transpired run wild after nine bodies were recovered from a dump site in Quarry area, Mukuru kwa Njenga, on July 12 by locals.

The bodies, which were wrapped in polythene bags, are said to be female, some disassembled and at various stages of decomposition. 

The discovery, which quickly became a sight for locals, flocking the area, has left many with questions on where the bodies came from and who the victims are.

A statement from the Directorate of Criminal Investigations stated that preliminary investigations show a similar manner of death as they await post-mortem examinations.

This comes as dozens who went missing during late June- early July Occupy protests are yet to be found, making some Kenyans on X believe that the government has a hand in all of this. The proximity of the 'crime scene', which is yet to be established as a primary or secondary crime scene, to a police station is what many say is not a coincidence.

Others speculate that a serial killer has been hiding in plain sight, given the victims' similarities and the indistinguishable M.O. in relation to the manner of death.

Some have been too quick to sideline the serial killer theory, terming it as 'too detached' in light of the claimed 'Githurai massacre' of June 26 2024, which has not yet been verified as an event that occured.

As nationwide protests continue into the third week of July , with Tuesday, June 16, set as mass-protest revival day, Gen Z protesters say they will not relent or surrender until all demands, including the release of those abducted, are met.