• Kenya’s courts are riddled with a mountain of unresolved cases for instance Mbiu Koinange succession which is now 42-years-old with nothing done to hasten the case load {Estate succession cause 527 of 1981} which as per now has its original parties first and second wives already deceased were the applicants.

  • While JM Kariuki succession being in the courts for 38 years {Estate succession cause 26 of 1985} whereas Patrick Wanyee succession has a running case now 35 years {Succession cause 225 of 1985, that has a running case number 3992/1988}

A report by NTV’s reporter Duncan Khaemba on Sunday, October 15, 2023 dubbed #Delayed Justice saw to it that the justice system in Kenya is more of piling of cases other than resolving them has caught the attention of a majority of Kenyans who have come out to express their frustrations and are in agreement with the issue of case backlogs in the Kenyan courts.

This has called for quicker resolution of court cases which run from the cases termed as ‘big’ and those that are ‘least’ of all.

The cases which run from land cases, inheritance rows and other cases that tend to take longer than expected are being dragged in the Kenyan courts with no tangible reason for such delays.

Kenya’s courts are riddled with a mountain of unresolved cases for instance Mbiu Koinange succession which is now 42-years-old with nothing done to hasten the case load {Estate succession cause 527 of 1981} which as per now has its original parties first and second wives already deceased were the applicants.

While JM Kariuki succession being in the courts for 38 years {Estate succession cause 26 of 1985} whereas Patrick Wanyee succession has a running case now 35 years {Succession cause 225 of 1985, that has a running case number 3992/1988}

Another is the criminal case no 75 of 2011, the murder of lawyer Antony Nahashon Ngunjiri has never been determined twelve years later since the start of the case.

Kenyans have reacted to delayed justice with so much criticisms and unhappy comments airing their frustrations on this  issue happening in the corridor of justice.


This injustice doesn't stop at succession cases

* The Standard Chartered Bank pensioners case has dragged through the years. Some of the pensioners have since passed on. To date no word from the Bank.

#The Standard Chartered Bank Kenya

This comment referred to a report on Standard business news by Kamau Muthoni dated July 20, 2022, which headlined ‘Stanchart stares at Kshs. 30 billion pay out in dispute with pensioners’ that mentioned the lender- Standard Chartered, alongside its pension trustees and staff benefits to scheme, moved to court seeking to suspend a tribunal’s verdict that exposed it to the huge settlement to its former employees, some of whom retired way back in 1975.

An x user further went on to recommend a timeline for court cases to ease the problem incurred.


The judiciary needs to be competent. No case should go for more than 12 months.

 We start with public executions of land grabbers.