• Speaking at the national assembly last week, CS Sports Ababu Namwamba conceded there are challenges in the management of football in the country, which the government has agreed with football’s world governing body to resolve through holding elections.

Speaking at the National Assembly last week, CS Sports Ababu Namwamba conceded that there are challenges in the management of football in the country, which the government has agreed with football’s world governing body to resolve through holding elections.

The summons comes six months after Namwamba reinstated FKF’s top officials, including President Nick Mwendwa and Chief Executive Barry Otieno to office.

The reinstatements came shortly after a court battle that saw the FKF president Mwendwa in a court trial over mismanagement of football resources and corruption in the federation.

Mwendwa resumed office after economic charges preferred against him by the Director of Public Prosecution (DPP) were dropped in court.

Kenyans are now calling upon the government to take action and arrest the FKF President Nick Mwendwa over the mismanagement of football funds that has resulted in the Kenyan football failures.


We urge the government to come through and save our football. FKF is killing many talents under Nick Mwendwa#ArrestNickMwendwa.End FKF corruption.


I want to say my part about @Nmwendwa. He is no different from the Bongo family of Gabon. Greed has consumed him. He is incompetent and football has been diving nose down in Kenya under his leadership but the man still does not want to let the federation free. #ArrestNickMwendwa.


KENYAN football into the drains buana, we need to set up new logistics away from FIFA kwanza. The whole of Kenya has no stadium☺️☺️☺️☺️ #ArrestNickMwendwa.


FKF receives grants to the tune of Sh200 million each year from the CAF and Fifa, mainly to fund the development of youth and women's football, plus the training of referees and coaches. Where do these funds go? #ArrestNickMwendwa.End FKF corruption